Winter Activities
General Knowledge
Name the Famous Cartoon and
do Math

This is something you make out of 3 snowballs, coal, buttons, carrot and a hat.

What is a snowman?


a thick, flat slice of meat that is cooked quickly

What is steak?


When not in use its good practice to make sure these three modern technologies are turned off.

What are lights, televisions, and computers?


Today is historical in that we will have our first female vice president.  Her name is

What is Kamala Harris?


If this cat has 7 lasagnas and he eat 4 of them today..  what is left?

What is Garfield and 3 lasagnas?


This winter activity involves pulling something up a hill, then sitting on it and sliding down the hill.

What is sledding?


Often served at breakfast and can be called flap jacks but better known as

What is pancake and syrup?


 In careers we learned it is good practice to keep these closed and locked when we are either leaving or home.

What are doors and windows?


This is what countryƛ flag

What is Canada?


Jerry  the mouse is 2 times as fast at running  than this cat, if it takes Jerry 2 minutes to run up and down the staircase it will take the cat this long...

What is Tom will take 4 minutes?


This winter activity involves sliding on the ice wearing special shoes that have blades.

What is ice skating?


This fish can be served smoked as in Lox, or raw in sushi or even pan fried or baked..Bears have been known to go into rivers to catch this fish

What is Salmon?


We learned in Careers it can be helpful to establish one of these to follow daily, making sure everything is in order.   

What is a Routine?


The worlds most populated country... they have a  Great Wall

What is China?


This pig loves to talk on the phone,  If she talks to Candy Cat for 7 minutes, Rebecca Rabbit for 8 minutes, and Zuzu Zebra for 10 minutes then she has spent this much time on the phone

What is 25 minutes?


The sport shown here

What is ice hockey?


Similar to a peach but not fuzzy

What is an apricot?


This modern technology helps maintain a constant temperature

a- Thermometer


c- oven

What is a thermostat?


The city the first Olympics were held

a: America

b: Japan

c: Greece

What is Greece?


This starfish like to hang out with his buddy Spongebob and eat Krusty Krab.  If Sponge and he eat 43 Krabby Patties for lunch and 17 for dinner then they have eaten this many in total today

What is Patrick Star and 60 Krabby Patties?


This winter sport involves going up a mountain, then sliding down the mountain wearing 2 long objects on your feet.

What is skiing?


A nice wintertime treat when coming in from the cold, added marshmallows on top always make it better

What is Hot Cocoa or hot chocolate?


Name 5 items you would need in your apartment

What is bed, lights, couch, fridge, bedframe, table, chair, curtains..etc


The ancient Egyptian writing system was called 

A: Cartoon

B: Hieroglyphic

C: English

What are Hieroglyphics?


This cool dude can skateboard around Springfield at 6 miles per hour, how far will be travel in 4 hours..

What Bart Simpson will travel 24 miles?