CTE Assessments
Students With Disabilities
Must be maintained at all times
What is security?
scores from these assessments are not reported for federal CTE accountability purposes
What are field or pilot CTE test scores?
English III, Civics/Economics, US History, World History, Physical Science, Earth/Env Science, Math II, Math III
What are the NCFE subjects taken online?
What is no longer a viable assessment for the 2014-2015 school year?
240 mins
What is maximum time allowed test administration for students without extended time documented?
any person found or observed with a cell phone/electronic device during testing time must be
What is dismissed from testing and a misadministration declared?
they must be entered prior to the test period and are vital for reliability purposes
What are anticipated grades?
students enrolled in IB, AP, NCVPS courses or are in credit recovery of course
What are students not required to participate in NCFE?
for test administrations that required accommodations, the test administrator must complete
What is Review of Accommodations Used During Testing form?
addresses appropriate professional practices for central office and school administrators, test coordinators, teachers, and proctors in the areas of securing, administering, reporting and interpreting state assessments
What is Testing Code of Ethics?
the affected student(s) must be administered another secure form of the assessment
What is when a misadministration is declared by the Accountability Director (EOC/NCFE), CTE Coordinator/CTE Director (CTE) or Superintendent (all)?
They must be given the same assessment as other CTE students enrolled in the face-to-face classes.
What are NCVPS students?
120 mins/136 mins
What is the administration time of NCFE and total time including breaks and general instructions?
Accommodations that alter the content of the test, interfere with the measurement of the construct, or provide inappropriate assistance to the student within the context of the test do this
What is invalidate the results of the test?
shall be school personnel who have professional training in education and the state testing program
What are test administrators?
materials should be disseminated within this time frame
What is immediately prior to the test administration start time (no earlier than 15 mins)?
Students should be taught to check every tenth number to see if the question to which they are responding to in the assessment book corresponds with the number of the bubble on the scannable answer sheet.
What is checking for misalignment?
English III, Civics & Economics, World History, American History I, American II
What is NCFE contain constructed response questions?
must begin on the same day as the general test administration but may continue beyond the school’s schedule for the regular test administration if the IEP or Section 504 Plan designates the sessions are to stretch across multiple days
What is multiple test session?
must be assigned and present for each test administration regardless of the number of students tested
What is a trained proctor?
encouraging students to be absent the day of testing; changing student responses at any time
What are examples of unethical testing practices?
They are required for selected CTE courses that have insufficient data in order to determine teacher growth in EVAAS
What are CTE pre-assessments?
student-growth component of the teacher evaluation process
What is standard 6?
upon completion of online test administrations this information must be entered by 7PM
What is record students' provided and used accommodations?
school personnel must ensure every student participating in an online assessment completes this for the associated assessment at least one time at the school before test day
What is online assessment tutorial?