This "King" of rock 'n' roll was born on January 8th (1935). He was the original singer of the hit song "Can't Help Falling in Love".
a) Johnny Cash
b) Elvis Presley
c) Dean Martin
Elvis Presley
This holiday is celebrated on January 1st of every year on the Gregorian calendar
New Years Day
In January of 1924, a famous mummified Pharaoh was discovered in Egypt. Who was the Pharaoh?
King Tut
This is the official currency of the European Union, and it debuted on January 4, 1999.
The euro.
What is the most popular New Years' Resolution saying?
"New Year, New Me"
This Baptist minister was one of the most prominent leaders in the U.S. civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. He was born on January 15.
Martin Luther King Jr.
January 5th is National __________ Day. (Hint: It flies south in the winter)
National Bird Day
The United States admitted its 49th state into the union on January 3rd, 1959. This state has a land mass almost one-fifth the size of the lower 48 states together.
What two zodiac signs are found in January?
Capricorn and Aquarius
What Disney movie is loosely based off of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale “The Snow Queen.”
This famous American founding father was born on January 11. He now has a hit musical about his life.
Alexander Hamilton
This savory and sometimes sweet treat (that is often enjoyed while watching a movie) celebrates it's Nationally known day on January 19th. What is it?
National Popcorn Day
Which famous British rock band performed for the last time on a rooftop in London, England, in January 1969?
What gemstone or "birthstone" is associated with the month of January?
What do we call the state when animals sleep during winter?
This Former First Lady has a birthday on January 17th [Hint: Her husband was our first African-American President]
Michelle Obama
January is national ______ month. (Hint: Chicken Noodle)
National Soup Month
In January 1993, this former European country peacefully broke into two separate countries, which are now both members of the European Union
In older days, red ones were often worn by men in their lapels. This is one of the official flowers of January
How many sides does a snowflake have?
Which writer, famous for his poem The Raven, was born in January 1809?
Edgar Allen Poe
January 16th is a day dedicated to learning and appreciating a reptile with wings.
Appreciate a Dragon Day
What was the first month in the Roman calendar before January?
January was named after the Roman god ______, who fittingly represented new beginnings, transitions, and time. He has two heads, one to look backward and one to look forward towards the New Year.
What country was the first to host the Winter Olympics in 1924?