Changing Of Social Classes In Isolation
Influence From Other Countries
Pop Culture In Japan
Edo/Meiji Period

A decision reached through a common agreement 

What is A Consensus


These men were hereditary warriors, but once Japan went into Isolation they had to do administrative functions and learn to read and write

What are Samurai?


The Czar of this country gave themselves the authority to trade with the Ainu and gain control of new territories of Japan.

What is Russia?


This class began to gain wealth and spend their money on more luxury and designer items. They began to spend money on different types of theatre.

Who were the Merchant Class?


This was a time when architecture, Arts, education, and culture flourished. This is when Japan became isolated and set up Embassys in other countries.

what is the Edo Period?


To be absorbed into a larger group, often by giving up aspects of identity. Such as Culture and Traditions. The Ainu were forced into this by the Japanese. 

What is Assimilate (Assimilation)?


They held a privileged position in society, due to the fact they were responsible for the production of Koku. But this class lived a very hard life.

Who were Farmers?


The Japanese believed these countries/ This continent was on large superpower. This was because of their similar way of dressing and how their languages were written.

What is Europe?


A type of theatre for all classes of all ages, where people come to see lively productions featuring elaborate costumes and makeup.

What is Kabuki Theatre?


This Religion is the ancient Religion of Japan was based on the belief of sacred spirits. The love of Nature is one of the most important aspects of this Religion.

What is Shinto?


A form of government in which few people have power.

What is an Oligarchy?


They were 3rd in the hierarchical system but held the real power because they controlled and headed the military Government.

Who were the Shogun?


This country was forced into an agreement by Britain, including things like the right to land at specific ports, low taxes when entering and leaving, and the law not applying to Westerners.

What is China?


A type of puppet theatre performed by non-humans that was only for adults.

What is Banraku Theatre?


Isolationist Japan was often compared to this European System, due to rigid social classes and the similar hierarchical system. Where higher levels have power and the lower levels do not.

What is The Feudal System?


A government in which decisions can be reached by elected representatives. Japan started to move towards this type of government after the Iwakura mission was sent out to find some of the best Ideas around the world.

What is a Representative Government?


These people were considered to have descended from the God Ameratsu, giving them power over Japan.

Who is the Emperor?


This country wanted to set up a coal station in Japan, which left Japan in a great state of unrest. This led to the Bakufu and samurai having heated debates over whether they should agree to the demands of this country.

What is The United States?


Women trained in dancing, singing, and keeping good conversation. These women were expected to keep good etiquette at all times.

Who were Gieshas?


Daimyo were being transported to and from Edo for their annual pilgrimage. The daimyo had control over these passages in their domain, but generally the shogun controlled them.

What is the Network of Roads?


A type of clothing or decoration that is very distinctive, elaborate, and emblematic. It can be an indication of status.

What is a Regalia?


The only way this class met some of society's needs was through entertainment such as Kabuki and Banraku theatre, Otherwise, they had to survive by begging, acting, and other frowned-upon activities.

Who were the Hinin (non-Humans)?


This trading company from the Netherlands was many companies formed as one. It eventually became the Largest and most impressive of all European trading companies.

What is the Dutch East India Trading Company?


Used to create prints of original paintings by carving and stamping using paint. This was not considered to be an art form because it was being mass-produced.

What is Woodblock Images?


This Myth was the story of how Japan was created. Izanami and Izanagi, both deities created japan out of Droplets of water that fell from the blade of a Sword.

What is the Creation Myth?