This is the capital of Japan.
What is Tokyo?
This is the ancient form of Japanese poetry.
What is Haiku?
lines running parallel to the equator
Continued extended thought; reflection
This is the language of Japan.
What is Japanese?
Haiku poems usually are made up of (#) of lines.
What is three?
A tower shaped structure with several stories
This is the ancient art of using a brush to paint alphabet characters.
What is calligraphy?
lines running perpendicular to the equator, starting at the prime meridian
a member of the hereditary warrior class in feudal Japan.
This is the type of Japanese theater.
What is kabuki?
any of the traditional forms of Asian self-defense or combat that utilize physical skill and coordination without weapons, as karate, aikido, judo, or kung fu, often practiced as sport.
martial arts
Japan religion that expresses love for nature
A leader that ruled during Empress Suiko rule. He cultural diffusion from countries on the Asian mainland.
Prince Shotoku