What is the highest mountain in Japan?
Mount Fuji
what is the background color of Japans flag
Name 3 Anime shows
what is naruto, pokemon, demon slayer
What is the red dot on the flag of the flag and what does it symbolize?
The red dot symbolizes the sun that rises over the East sea.
Name 5 train lines that can be found in Tokyo.
Chuo line, Marunouchi, Asakusa, Ginza, Odakyu.
About how much is the population in Japan?
About 124 Million
What is Japan's surrounding waters called?
The Pacific Ocean, the sea of Japan, and the East China Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk.
What broth is used to make Miso Soup?
What is the name of the traditional Japanese theatre form that combines drama, music, and dance?
What is the traditional Japanese garment worn by both men and women?
What sport does Rui Hashimara play?
Which Fast and Furious movie has the name of the Japanese city in the title?
Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Iwama Ryu, Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai are all forms of which Japanese martial art?
What are the 2 main religions in Japan?
What is shinto & Buddishm
In which city can you find Godzilla Road?
What two companies that start with 'n' make video games in Japan?
Namco & Nintendo
What is Japanese New Years called?
Gantan, Ganjitsu
How do you say bokujou in English?
What does origami mean
ori means to fold gami means paper
Whats the Japanese baseball league?
Nippon Professional Baseball
How many vending machines does Japan have?
2 Million
How many volcanos are active?
Japan national animal?
Green Pheasant
What are the main Japanese islands?
Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku
According to Japanese legends, folding one thousand origami versions of what bird will grant an individual a wish from the gods?