You would say 'this' when recieving a gift.
'ありがとうございます' (arigatougozaimasu)
'This' metal box is commonly found throughout every block in Japan. Commonly serving beverages both hot and cold accepting both cash and card.
'vending machine'
'自動販売機' jidouhanbaiki
-A friendly cat-like robot
-has a 4 dimensional pocket which holds a lot of gadgets
-likes Dorayaki (Sweet Red Bean Buns)
-scared of mice
Tokyo exists on 'this main island'.
A 'sain' or サイン is commonly used to trademark one's piece of work.
A 'signature', autograph.
You were too busying looking at your phone and walked into someone. You would say 'this' to apologize.
'ごめんなさい' (gomennasai)
'申し訳ありません' (moushiwakaerimasen)
Dating back to 2,000+ years ago from Ishikawa prefecture, 'this' food item is traditionally rice wrapped over a protein filling then covered in a thin seaweed sheet.
'お握り/おにぎり' onigiri
rice ball
-is bald
-pretty good and punching
-giga chad
-probably has more than one brain cell
'Saitama' from One Punch Man
'This' famous landmark built in 1958 is awfully similar to The Eiffel Tower from Paris but red and white.
'Tokyo Tower'
'Tokyo Skytree'
東京スカイツリー (toukyou sukaitsuri)
'kureemu' or 'クレーム ' is the act of ___ about something. (Generally bad)
A 'complaint' or 'claim' to seek compensation.
You would add 'this' after a male's name when addressed if you are older or of higher status.
'くん, kun'
e.g. 'Ray-kun'
Similar to Nintendo, 'this' major electronic company was founded in 1946 and most notable for the creation of Walkmans in the 20th century and more notably game consoles like the PlayStation in the 21th century.
'Sony Corporation'
'Sony Group Corporation'
-slim, pale and tall
-intelligent and enigmatic
-meticulous and analytical
-opposite of W
-owns a mysterious notebook
-potato chip
'L' from Death Note
'This' famous fish market frequented by hordes of tourists hoping to get snapshots of enormous tuna being auctioned off.
'Tsukiji Market'
築地市場 (tsukiji shijou)
A 'hocchikisu' or 'ホッチキス' is a common stationary to keep papers together.
A 'stapler'.
list 2 japanese classroom etiquettes.
Clearly defined hierarchy between students and teacher. (Respect: standing up before and after the lesson to greet and thank the teacher)
Be ordered (don't bother others, don't litter, don't be too loud)
Individually seated (much more organized and quiet)
Clean the whole classroom at the end of the day
From the land of the rising sun, mascots and kawaii cuteness. 'This' depiction of human emotions, objects, symbols and many more was invented by Shigetaka Kurita in 1999.
-two high school geniuses
-stubborn to admit they love each other
-tries to get the other to confess
-mini ramen
(Name both)
'Miyuki Shirogane'
'Kaguya Shinomiya'
In 1923, 'this' great disaster struck Tokyo suffering in more than 100,000 casualties.
'The Great Kanto Earthquake'
'Tokyo-Yokohama Earthquake of 1923'
'wanpeesu' or 'ワンピース' is a formal single item clothing for women.
no not the anime.
A 'one-pieced' dress
You are in the backstreets of Tokyo, Japan, you are lost and your phone is dead. But since you are so Nihongo-Jouzu, you approach a stranger and say 'this' to ask for help.
'すみません, 道に迷っています、助けてください'
(sumimasen, michimayotteimasu tasuketekudasai)
Excuse me, I'm lost, please help.
or anything similar
Unlike the more popular social media 'Line', 'this' social media brand was Japan's first big hit in the digital entertainment apps in 2004. The company offered online social networking as well as mobile games all in one.
'Mixi Inc.'
Developed the game 'Monster Strike' in 2013.
-generic high school boy
-adventurous rural town girl
-they swap bodies
-rock in sky goes brr.
(Name both)
'Mitsuha Miyamizu'
'Taki Tachibana'
Tokugawa was made shogun in 1603 and he decided on Tokyo as the seat of his government. However back in those days in wasn't called Tokyo but 'this' instead.
'zabon' or 'ズボン' is an outer garment covering the lower half of the body from waist to ankles.