Magic missile
all other players lose 100
Red Liquid in your Body after drinking Cherry Kool Aid
You may choose up to one player to lose 200
If you chose none, gain 250 points.
What is Luigi's last name
Name a big number
Anything greater than trillion
1-4: 250 points
5: Roll Twice More
6-12 50 points
13: Roll a D6
14-19: -100 points
20: -500 points
Power House?
King Henry wife count
None, They're dead
what minecraft mob spawns from a block and is smaller than a block
if silverfish: -200
if turtle +200
if tadpole +600
Who was in Paris?
Any French Videogame/Movie Character or Kanye West
You and 2 other players lose 150 points
What covers more than 72% of the Earth's Surface
Air, Water covers 71%
Despite what many people believe, this is actually the tallest mountain on Earth
Mt. Everest
What is your favorite Pokemon
How many holes are in the word "loopholes"
A healer, a wizard and a tank enter a bar. what is wrong with this statement?
tank should have entered first
To the nearest 10 decimal points, how many solar luminosities is the sun?
The Monster of a mountain rivaling Olympus itself, the tallest mountain on mars
Olympus Mons
How many hammers are there in a war?
Daily Double!
How much was $1.00 worth in 1929?
Name A Five Headed Dragon
What is the windpipe your body called
Windpipe: +100
Air hole: +250
Trachea: +500
Inhalation station: +1000
Which country's world leader has the smallest male genatalia?
How much meat can you harvest from a pig in Stardew Valley?
What is my favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and Cream