the animal associated with my zodiac sign
what is the ram?
one of my favorite colors (include exact shade not a general color)
hint: there are multiple answers, so you just have to say one correct answer
what is light pink, sage green, baby blue, coffee brown, etc.?
the job i'd most likely want for the future
what is a peditrician?
my two favorite singers
hint: they are both girls
what is selena gomez and camila cabello?
one place i've wanted to go to this year
what is hawaii?
the element my zodiac sign is
what is fire? 🔥
my favorite thing to do
what is shopping?
the state i would live in when i grow up
what is california? ;)
a singer i wish i could meet
what is selena gomez?
my favorite disney movie
what is tangled?
the date(s) my zodiac sign ranges from
what is march 21st-april 19th?
my favorite season
what is autumn? 🍂
if i wasn't in the medical field, i would most likely go into this field
what is the law field?
type of music that i hate the most
what is heavy metal? 🎸
my favorite book genre
what is mystery?
the color that is generally associated with my zodiac sign
what is red?
my favorite coffee drink at starbucks
hint: the one i've been ordering most recently that is a coffee drink
what is a light iced white mocha with sweet cream cold foam and extra caramel drizzle? ☕️
a type of place i would buy for a vacation home
what is a cabin in the forest? 🌲
my favorite song
i don't have a favorite song because i like too many songs and my favorite keeps changing
my favorite scent
what is cinnamon?
someone who shares the same zodiac sign or birthday as me
(anyone who is an aries or who has a birthday on march 26th)
ex. Robert Frost or Reese Witherspoon
my favorite quality about a person
what is listening/remembering the little things?
a job i would have if i wasn't a lawyer or doctor
what is a fashion designer?
my favorite hindi song
what is tu meri (from bang bang)?
my golden birthday date (day and year)
what is march 26th, 2033? 🥳🎉🍾