What counting system does IV represent?
Roman numerals
What is the number in the millions place value in 79603428
What does the I represent in BIDMAS?
Is this number pattern increasing by square number or square roots? 1,4,9,16,25,36,49
square numbers
(2.1-3.5) divided by 2
What is Hindu Arabic's base system?
What is 51.214 in expanded notation?
What is the 19th triangular number?
-35 divided by 7 x(-4)2+19
In Roman numerals what number doesn't have its own numeral?
What is the place value of the 7 in 0.095237?
7 millionths
63-(8)2x12 divided by 3+(14x(2)2)
What is the Fibonacci sequence?
When the number equals the sum of the previous two numbers
45 divided by 9 x(-3+(16)2)x(-13+-21)
What don't the Aboriginals counting system count beyond?
4 or 5
What is the place value of the 3 in 3x(10)-4?
3 ten thousandths
Square root of 49 divided by 2-[1 divided by 2x(5)2+(square root of 64x4)]
thWhat is this number patterns rule/increasing by?
The 4th power
[(-19-21)x(8 divided by (16)2)]x[(-3x13) divided by -3]
What is the Babylonians base system?
What is the place value of the 3 in this equations answer? (1x(10)5)+(3x(5)2)+(6x(10)2)+(4x(10)-4)+(9x(3)-5)
3 hundredths
15x square root of 16 divided by(10x3)+63 divided by (3)2- square root of 25x(9+(60 divided by 2))
There is enough ground for you to lay 22 logs side-by-side. How many logs can you fit in the stack?