
What is a theme?

A big idea that reoccurs throughout the text


List 10 characters in Jasper Jones

Jasper, Charlie, Jeffrey, Laura, Eliza, An Lu, Mrs Lu, Wesley, etc.


Where does the story of Jasper Jones take place?

The story is set in the fictional Australian town of Corrigan.


What is a symbol?

A person, place, object, or feeling that represents an idea or theme in the text.


What does TEAL stand for?

Topic sentence, evidence, analysis, link


How does the discovery of Laura Wishart's body contribute to the theme of loss of innocence in Jasper Jones?

The discovery of Laura's body forces the protagonist, Charlie Bucktin, to confront harsh realities, marking a loss of innocence as he grapples with the complexities of the adult world and the darker aspects of his community.


Who is the protagonist (main character) of Jasper Jones?

Charlie Bucktin


In what time period does Jasper Jones unfold?

The story is set in the 1960s, providing a backdrop of the social and cultural context of that era.

Bonus question: what is the social and cultural context of Jasper Jones?


How does the theme of superheroes contribute to the narrative in Jasper Jones?

Superheroes, as discussed by Jeffrey Lu and Charlie Bucktin, represent courage andwhat is considered courageous by the characters. Charlie believes batman is more courageous due to not having powers but risking his life for others anyway.


What do you need to include in a topic sentence?

The main idea/theme you are introducing, and the focus (character, setting, or symbol)

What is the role of racism in Jasper Jones, and how does it affect the characters' lives?

Racism is a prevalent theme in the story, especially seen in the treatment of Jasper Jones, who is discriminated against due to his Indigenous heritage. This discrimination shapes the characters' experiences and interactions with others.


What is the relationship between Charlie Bucktin and Jasper Jones and why does it form?

Charlie helps Jasper investigate what happened to Laura. Jasper asks for Charlie's help as they are both outcasts.


 How does the small-town setting of Corrigan influence the events in Jasper Jones?

The close-knit nature of Corrigan intensifies the impact of rumors, prejudices, and social dynamics, shaping the characters' experiences and decisions.


What symbol represents the theme of toxic masculinity? Explain this.

Peach pits, as only those who are considered strong, not fearful, and a hero have been able to steal them from Mad Jack Lionels house.


What do you need to include in the 'analysis' section?

The lesson that the author wants you to learn.


How do characters like Jasper and Charlie display courage in Jasper Jones, and what fears do they confront?

Both Jasper and Charlie confront their fears, such as societal judgment and personal vulnerabilities. Their courage is evident in their actions and decisions as they navigate challenging circumstances in the story.


How does Charlie Bucktin evolve as a character throughout the events of Jasper Jones?

 Charlie undergoes significant character development, transitioning from a naïve and innocent boy to someone who grapples with complex truths about life, society, and himself.


Identify one micro setting of Jasper Jones and explain its significance.

The secret glade serves as a micro setting, representing both danger and a refuge. It becomes a space where characters confront truths and find solace.


What is the significance of insects in Jasper Jones?

Insects symbolize Charlie's fear. They also symbolise the persistent buzzing of societal expectations and racial tensions in the small town of Corrigan.


Embed the following quote into the sentence: After witnessing Laura’s death and learning of the serial killers close to his town, Charlie soon learns how horrible the world can be. “How could things be so messy and complex outside this quiet bubble of land”

After witnessing Laura’s death and learning of the serial killers close to his town, Charlie soon learns "how could things be so messy and complex"  life can be.


Can you identify instances of toxic masculinity in Jasper Jones, and how do they impact the characters?

Characters like Warwick Trent (bully) and the men that attack An Lu exhibit traits of toxic masculinity, influencing the narrative by perpetuating harmful norms. This behavior contributes to the challenges faced by characters and shapes their relationships.


Name one secondary character (not the main character) in Jasper Jones and briefly describe their role in the narrative.

One secondary character is Jeffrey Lu, who is Charlie's best friend. Jeffrey adds humor to the story and offers insights into the racial tensions within the community. He also creates juxtaposition with Charlie as he shows courage whereas Charlieoften lives in fear.


What themes relate to the micro setting of the cricket pitch? Explain this.

Toxic masculinity is explored through the setting of the cricket pitch as 'the social currency in Corrigan is sport.' If you don't like sport in Corrigan, you are outcast by the town and considered to be less of a 'man.' It also explores racism, as Jeffrey's experience of discrimination occurs mostly at the cricket pitch.

What does the 'heat' motif represent?

The oppressive heat in the story represents the mounting tensions and pressures in the characters' lives, intensifying as the narrative progresses.


Embed this quote into this sentence: Charlie first believes Jasper is a superhero for being brave through the terrible things he has to put up with in his life, but later realises this is just a facade he puts on. “And  I see it now, just how counterfeit his confidence is. It’s a noise, a distraction, its hot air. It’s batman’s cape.”

Charlie first believes Jasper is a superhero for being brave through the terrible things he has to put up with in his life, but later realises"how counterfiet his confidence is."