The name of the protagonist of yugioh 5ds
Who is yusei fudo
The charecter who took over peter parkers mind and hospitalised the scorpian
Who is otto octavios
The reason two bros are 5 feet apart
What is because their not gay
Doesnt negate a spell
What is mystical space typhoon
The third planet from the sun
What is earth
3 players who duel paradox in yugioh bonds beyond time
Who are yugi moto, jaden yuki and yusei fudo
The number of movies in phase 1 of the mcu
What is 6 movies
Summoning mechanic introduced in yugioh ark V
What is pendulum summoning
The true identity of the hobgoblin
Who is ned leads
The style of writing introduced in 2011 to make cards easier to understand
What is problem solving card text
The first monster summned by kaiba in the duel monsters anime
What is hitsome giant
The almost completly unkown effect of the most cimplicated card in the anime
What is draw 2 cards