Book Adaptations
Music records
Famous Trials
Food and Drink
Disaster Strikes

This fantasy book franchise has 7 books but was adapted to have 8 movies

(What is Harry Potter?)


Both Michael Jackson and this pop artist hold the record for the most No. 1 hits on a single album

(Who is Katy Perry?)


This 1995 trial involved a former NFL player and author whose main defense was that the glove didn’t fit

(Who is OJ Simpson?)


The Italian co-producers of Jaypardy, Francesco and Adam, believe that people who like the combination of ham and this tropical fruit on pizza have no taste buds  

(What is pineapple?)


In 2023, wildfires from this country were so devastating that they caused the sky in some U.S. states to turn orange

 (What is Canada?)


This book got two movie adaptations where, in the 2005 version, Johnny Depp played an eccentric chocolatier

 (What is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)


Most recognized during the Christmas season, this artist is the current record holder for having the same song take the No.1 spot in four different decades

(Who is Mariah Carey?)


This Supreme Court case, which started in Kansas, overturned the “separate but equal” doctrine on the grounds of segregated schools being inherently unequal

(What is Brown v. Board of Education?)


This purple-colored produce item is the main ingredient in the Mediterranean spread, baba ghanoush

(What is an eggplant?)


In 1919, the city of Boston was devastated when a tank of this baking ingredient commonly used in shoofly pie burst

(What is Molasses?)  


This fantasy book series originally had a poor movie adaptation in 2011 but was recently given a well-adapted and well-received Disney+ series

(What is Percy Jackson?)


In November 2022, this artist grabbed all of the top ten spots on the top 100 hits list  

(Who is Taylor Swift?)


In 1979, the state of Florida took on a trial that revolved around this serial killer who acted as his own legal counsel

(Who is Ted Bundy?)


This bread roll shares a title with a German royal title  

(What is Kaiser?)


In 2011, earthquakes and tsunamis dealt overwhelming damage to a nuclear power plant in this part of Japan, which led to a meltdown and is considered the second worst nuclear disaster in history

(What is Fukushima?)


This book received not only a movie, but also a Broadway play that won the 2024 Tony Award for best musical

(What is The Outsiders?)


This 1985 song has the most credited artists with 46 artists, such as Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and Cyndi Lauper

(What is We are the World?)


In 1857, Dred Scott v Sandford made the decision that African Americans were not U.S. citizens, which was one of the powder kegs that sparked the beginning of this war  

(What is the Civil War?)


This shellfish, which was once a prison staple, is now considered a high-class delicacy

(What is lobster?)


In 2018, an international rescue team had to race against the clock before monsoon season to rescue twelve boys trapped in a cave in this Asian country  

(What is Thailand?)


This monumental book trilogy about destroying a piece of jewelry was adapted into one of the greatest fantasy film series of all time

(What is The Lord of The Rings?)


This high-flying ‘70s rock band sold more than 25 million copies of a single album in the US on two different occasions 

(Who are The Eagles?)


In this 1966 court case, the Supreme Court ruled that police must read you your rights if you were to be arrested

(What is Miranda v. Arizona?


From 1899 to 1920, this soda company had the number of bottling plants increase from 1 to 1000

 (What is Coca-Cola?)


This category 5 hurricane from 2005 was responsible for over $180 billion in damages and shares a name with a character from the legal drama TV series Suits

(What is Katrina?)