Patient Safety Goals

Name two patient identifiers

What is name and date of birth


Non-OR Setting procedures that require signed consent can be found here

what is consent policy 4.17 (u-connect)


This is an all-hazard, flexible plan for mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery of incidents that are beyond usual and customary operations.

what is Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): found on udrive, hung in each pod


How you would communicate quality & safety concerns/events

what is a HERO (also debrief after medical response, discuss in huddle )


Cornerstone of preventing the spread of many healthcare-acquired infections.

what is hand hygiene. 


Performed on patients to reduce the risk for suicide

What is a suicide risk screening


where to find provider competencies 

what is uconnect-> type in privelage list-> enter provider name 


This cart has a daily check completed & supplies ready for use

what is crash cart/code blue cart 


Describe what you would do if there was an active shooter

what is Get out, call out, hide out, take out (last resort). Call 911. 


Where to find advance directive & if it is activated

what is  in “Chart Review “under the “Consent/Legal” tab and are flagged with an FYI by HIM. The patient must have a valid Power of Attorney for Health Care form for it to be activated. 


Documentation of provider notification occurs within how many minutes of notification for patient with a critical test result?

what is 60 minutes 


This is done before any invasive procedure that is more than minimal risk

What is universal protocol. Preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong person surgery. Any time informed consent is required, Universal Protocol is required. Universal protocol includes three steps: 1.  Pre-procedure verification 2. Site marking 3.  Time-out

Labeling process for medication transferred from their original container or prepared and not used immediately

what is labels must contain the following information: name and concentration of the medication or solution; volume/amount (if not apparent from container); expiration date (if it will be used beyond 24 hours); time of expiration (if less than 24 hours)


What would you do if you observed intimidating or disruptive behavior?

what is notify supervisor/manager, contact HR and/or overhead BERT team


Types of patient information that is improper to access

what is family/friend without release, high profile cases not assigned to you (policy 6.30)


This clinical care process involves finding out what medications a patient is taking, comparing them to what has been taken in the past, documenting any changes, and checking for safety issues.

what is Medication Reconciliation (policy 6.1.10)


Describe Key Characteristics of a timeout 

what is hands off, eyes up, feet still, active response, silence (no music). 


This item should be secured, locked & under direct supervision at all times

what are needles 


How you would respond to a phishing email & who would you inform 

what is do not reply, do not click on links, delete email, report email to Help Desk


How you  would respond to a surveyor if you don't know the answer to a question

 what is "I don't recall" and  demonstrate how you would find the answer. Avoid comments such as, "we can never find that," or "I have no idea."


Example of fall strategy reduction in clinic

what is screen in office (TUG Test & STEADI Fall Risk Tool). Fall reduction strategies can be found on uconnect to provide to patients


Describe the pre procedural verification list 

what is a list that includes patient identification, procedure, site, H&P complete, consent signed


How do you know a piece of electrical equipment is okay to use?

what is check on the equipment for inspection label (does not have to be current year)


Steps taken if a piece of medical equipment fails causing injury or death 

what is (policy 12.40)

1. take care of the patient 

2. report event to area leadership and responsible provider 

3. remove gross contamination from the device without changing settings 

4. remove sequester the device and related supplies/packaging 

5. complete event report


What you would do if an unaccompanied surveyor presented to your clinic and approached you

what is welcome them, answer any questions, notify manager/supervisor