What are the red bags called and what is disposed in them?
Bio-hazard bags, all items containing bodily fluids.
How often are you fit tested?
Fit testing is done once a year per OSHA.
How many patient identifiers should you use and what are some examples?
Verbal Conformation of
1. Name
2. Date of birth
Do not depend on the requisition !
Where is PPE kept?
In the storage room where supplies are kept
Behind Nicolette's desk
What is the most effective means of preventing the spread of infections?
Washing your hands/hand sanitizing
When equipment failure occurs, what department is called?
Bio med to put in a ticket for contracted service
How do you handle complaints from patients or family members?
The employee should immediately get their supervisor/resource coordinator to help try to resolve the issue within the department.
What is the sequence for putting on PPE?
PPE- Personal Protective Equipment
1. Gown
2. Mask or Respirator
3. Goggles or Face Shield
What is the sequence of REMOVING PPE?
PPE- Personal Protective Equipment
1. Glove
2. Goggles or Face Shields
3. Gown
4. Mask or Respirator
Where can you find the translation line number?
Number should be located in your department. Know where to find it. 800-874-9426
How should medication be stored?
Medication not dispensed from or stored in an automated dispensing cabinet (ADC) are secured in a LOCKED pharmacy box or a secured medication room.
Controlled medications that are not stored in ADCs are secured in locked cabinet.
What does P.A.S.S stand for ?
P- Pull
S- Sweep when using a fire extinguisher
What does R.A.C.E stand for?
C- Contain
E-Extinguish or Evacuate
What information is contained within the MSDS?
Material safety data sheets contain information on the product including instructions for storage spills and exposure.
Where can you find it?
MSDS is found on the NMI homepage
Left hand corner under APPLICATIONS →safety and risk tab
Third column listed under SAFETY DATA SHEETS
Who is in charge of infection control?
Lisa Sanders, RN, BSN 847-535-6488
What is a "time out" procedure?
A time out procedure is performed immediately prior to an invasive procedure. A verbal acknowledgment is documented to verify the patient, procedure, and that the site/side is correct.
What is HIPPA?
HIPAA- The health insurance portability and accountability act, sets the standard for protecting patient data/privacy.
-Assure that patients and medical records privacy is maintained at all times.
-Store all patient records out of general view
-Dispose of protected health information (PHI) properly
-Keep computer screens away from public view
Where can you find the "patients" rights and responsibilities posted within imaging department?
Mounted on the walls in department the department reception area.
Where is the evacuation plan located?
( Evacuation MAPS for department )
1.) Hall near Mammography/Ultrasound room near the fire extinguiser
2.) Between MRI/CT shared control room and CT room (scanner)
Where are your emergency exits located?
Primary Route- Exit out of imaging front desk into lobby and meet in the back of the parking lot by the hotel
Secondary Route- Through the immediate care back door
What is the proper cleaning/disinfecting of patient care equipment?
Use first wipe to remove any soil, use additional wipes to maintain wet surface for appropriate contact time.
-2 mins for PDI purple top wipes
-3 mins for PDI red top wipes
- Always put on gloves when touching wipes, soiled linen bag, and gowns.
Where is NETS located on NMI and what is it used for?
NETS is where you would file an incident report. Go to the applications tab on the left hand corner of the NMI page, scroll down to safety and risks, and go to the third column select PATIENTS/VISITOR REPORT (NETS)
When should you wash your hands for proper hygiene?
Clean hands UPON ENTERING the patient's room/care space and before putting on gloves
Clean hands UPON LEAVING THE PATIENT'S room/ space and after removing gloves
Hands need to be cleaned BEFORE and AFTER contact with a patient or the patient's environment
Explain in detail how to hand wash?
Wet hands/rub well for 15 seconds include wrist
Rinse with water running down hands 15 seconds
Dry hands
Use paper towel to turn off water/discard towel
Where are all of the fire extinguishers?
Clue- There are three extinguishers in imaging
1.) In hallway across from MRI/CT room ( MRI SAFE)
2.) Hallway near US/MAM tech work room
3.)Front lobby,outside of imaging reception area
Our fire extinguishers are ABC type