Handle the situation

What line travels through the navel and divides the body into right and left



What can you do when a family member asked about their loved ones who may be dying

Just be honest and caring.  Lying to a family member to spare them can often have the opposite affect.


Why does dispatch ask so many questions in a call

They are trying to find out pertinent information that will help the responders and ensure they have the right resources


Goods idea to use when reading a question a test question

Look for key words:  ie: pulseless / what equipment is provided or not provided in the question.  ( ie don't use the answer with equipment if the equipment is not provided - like an AED)  Read each question carefully before answering.


What is a good tactic to use to alleviate stress....

Lots of good choices:   Take up exercise / find a good therapist or a someone close to talk to.


What age does middle adulthood start?  Adolescent? 

middle adulthood - 41     Adolescent - 13-18


Your partner seems fatigued but he hasn't finished his two minutes of CPR yet...what do you do.

changing CPR with another rescuer is a major reason to make an exchange no matter when it is needed to keep up with the best compressions possible


Why is recoil so very important.

It allows the blood flow to properly fill the chambers of the heart and empty them.  You want to push hard and push fast but recoil is still very necessary for it to be effective.


What is a good postition to put a patient in if there is a possibility they many vomit (ie:  after CPR)

On their left side if possible in the recovery position.


Why do you do chest compressions when doing CPR

Compressing the heart (between the sternum and the backbone) helps ensure that oxygenated blood is distributed to vital organs


What is the difference between an arterial bleed and a venous bleed

Arterial is under more pressure (can appear to be spurting) / venous will ooze or run slower 


what should we look for to get information on an unresponsive patient that is still breathing

Very quickly look for Medical alert tags.   Can give you insight as to any medical conditions that might have caused the patients current status


Why would you change your transport request from BLS to assistance from ALS

A patient in severe distress (using the chain of survival) you should recognize the emergency and call for advanced care.


When performing CPR, how much oxygen should be provided

Will depend on what is available, but as much as possible is always a good thought


What is the technique called to do chest compressions on an infant for 2 person CPR

Thumb encircling method  (15:2)


What could you hear if there is a possibility of trouble in the upper airway

Snoring - requires immediate attention as airway is partially blocked.


When assessing a patient that has that has a previous medical condition, what is one of the questions that can help you assess their current status

Try to find out the level of pain now and when they had it before


Why do we look at the transport / triage at the end of the primary

To determine when the patient should be transported and with whom  (priority - stay and play/ load and go)


What is it called when you take a blood pressure without a stethoscope

Blood pressure by palpation  


What is a couple of the main functions of the skeletal system

Protects vital organs / Stores calcium / gives shape to the body


If you have a patient that has severely decreased respirations what breathing device should be considered.

Since they are not perfusing well on their own, consider an assisted breathing device  (BVM for the EMR)


Why do we do a general impression

It gives us the opportunity to consider the patient priority and additional resourcces


When opening an airway with a head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver, what technique do you use to assess if the patient is breathing

look - listen - and feel         Look for chest rise     listen and feel for air on your cheek


What is a good rule of thumb to consider when assessing / treating any patient

Can they maintain an airway


What system is activated when someone is scared or injured

nervous system-major system in the body