The Four Stages
The Four Concepts
Jean Piaget
LOTF Relationship
Others' Theories

The second stage of Piaget's four stages

What is the Preoperational Stage


The most important concept created by Piaget

What is schemas


The descent of Jean Piaget

What is Swiss


For the most part, the boys in LOTF seem to progress through the stages or regress through the stages

What is the boys seem to regress and stay in place, if not moving backward based on their surroundings


The age that generally begins to seperate the theories of Montessori and Piaget

What is about three years old


The general age bracket of kids in the sensorimotor stage

What is from birth to 24 months old (2 years old)


The concept that represents the "leaps and bounds" that Piaget believed children made in development

What is equilibration


The year Jean Piaget's theory of intellectual or cognitive development was published

What is 1936


Throughout the story, the littleuns seem to be floating somewhat between two of Piaget's stages

What is the preoperational and concrete operational stage


The other psychologist that was developing their own theories during the same time period that Jean Piaget was

What is Lee Vygotsky


The main types of concepts that a child in the formal operational stage should be striving to learn

What is abstract concepts


The names of the four concepts from Piaget's work

What is schemas, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration


The city that Piaget completed most of his research and work

What is Geneva, Switzerland


Simon's knowledge of abstract concepts lead the reader to believe he, as a child, is in the ______ stage

What is the formal operational stage


The main difference between a Montessori classroom and a Piaget classroom

What is a Montessori classroom is more child-directed/led, whereas a Piaget classroom is fully teacher-directed/led (More order in the class)


A mood that most children really only experience during the concrete operational stage, and grow out of pretty quickly

What is many children experience an egotistical and almost annoying personality during the majority of the concrete operational stage


The main difference between accommodation and assimilation

What is that accommodation is changing an approach when schemas don't work, whereas assimilation is taking old schemas and using them with something new 


The two children in relation to Piaget that he was most commonly found testing

What is his own daughter and his nephew


The characteristic that Ralph portrays throughout LOTF that is apart of the concrete operational and formal operational stages

What is his logic


The psychologist that believed children learn through doing and the psychologist that believed children learn through being shown

What is Piaget = Doing and Vygotsky = Being Shown

The main learning continuity between the Sensorimotor and Preoperational stages

What is a child learning and developing in their first language


A common real world representation that is used when describing schemas

What is the building blocks of knowledge or index cards in a child's brain


Name two of the four main topics that were studied during Piaget's work

What is two of the following: language, morals, memory, and reasoning


The general assimilation that Ralph uses with Piggy's specs during their first attempt at building a fire

What is Ralph's knowledge/schemas of the property of a magnifying glass to light something on fire with the help of the sun, allowing him to use the glasses in a similar way


Piaget's main difference in belief amongst other theorists of this topic

What is the belief that the outside social structure and society around a child has little to no effect on their abilities in their brain