The type of car that the Brady children would fight over to drive
What is the Dodge Challenger
During our nightly summer rummy games, Aunt Jean can't play unless this item is underneath the table
This explorer was born on the same day as Aunt Jean (but in 1451)
Who is Christopher Columbus
This phrase, used when expressing disgust at something inappropriate Kelsey says or does, incorporates 3 religious figures
What is Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
This family member claims that Aunt Jean is his Godmother, even though it is not true
The name of the company where Aunt Jean first worked
What is Chemical Bank
The highest place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th...) that Aunt Jean has won in an AM tournament
What is 4th
On the day Aunt Jean was born, this was the most popular halloween costume
What is a Superhero
Aunt Jean says this word after making a mistake (like getting paint on the wrong wall in Maggie's new room). Example: That's an "____"
What is oops
Richie chomped off this body part of Uncle Bill's during church
What is his nose
The name of Aunt Jean's first boyfriend
What is Ricky Carriotti
Once Kelsey was legally allowed to participate in gambling, Aunt Jean hand made this item for a gift
What is a BINGO bag
Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower
This phrase is repeated in a multitude of situations: when Aunt Jean is excited, scared, when she knows the answer to a trivia question, and especially when she wins at BINGO
What is OOhH OOHH oHH!!
Aunt Jean's favorite child
What is a golf ball
This is the phrase Aunt Jean currently uses when she loses a game in Mahjong (instead of cursing)
What is 2020
On the day Aunt Jean was born, the world was getting prepared for the 1960 winter olympics in this country
What is Pizza Hut
What is the Jelly Fish
The name of Aunt Jean's favorite tv show to watch after school as a kid
What is Dark Shadows
A long time ago, this person used to torture Aunt Jean at Bingo games
Who is Bob
On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther sent his ____(number) Theses denouncing what he saw as the abuses of the Catholic Church, especially the sale of indulgences, to the Archbishop of Mainz, Germany (by some accounts, Luther also posted the Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg), marking the start of the Protestant Reformation
What is 95
Fun Fact: Aunt Jean gets lost quite frequently - especially when driving home from the airport. This phrase is repeated (out loud) for the first 10 minutes of the drive home from Newark.
During our most recent family vacation to this place, Aunt Jean went on a tour with Nana, Pop and Aunt Renee and saw some really cool costumes
What is Mississippi (I will also accept New Orleans)