Bible Characters
Bible Phophesy
Bible Places
Bible Miracles
Bible Events

Promised his daughter to Jehovah if he won the battle

Who is Jephthah?


Jesus told his disciples that there would be "food shortages, earthquakes, reports of wars in one place after another" during these.

What is the sign of the "Last Days?"


Paul heard this place in a vision, or dream with a man telling him to "step on over"

What is Macedonia?


Only one person came back to thank Jesus for this miracle.

What is the "Healing of the Lepers"?


This event resulted in all life being wiped off the face of the Earth except for one righteous family and 2 of every kind of animal

What was the Flood?


Was taught a lesson in how Jehovah sees repentant people, with a plant

Who is Jonah?


Initially prophesied by Isaiah, this great city was destroyed in exact fullfillment of that prophesy some 200 years later.

What is the Destruction of Babylon?


Meaning, when translated, "Skull Place"

What is Golgotha?


Jesus performed this by making a paste and smearing it on on the affected area of this man

What was the healing of the blind man?


This event led to the preseveration of Jehovahs people, but death for those that chased after them

What is the Crossing of the Red Sea?


Queen Esther's husband

Who is King Ahasuerus?


Jesus told his disciples that there would be "food shortages, earthquakes, reports of wars in one

What is the sign of the "Last Days"?


The capital of Assyria, and the destination Jonah wanted to avoid

What is Ninevah?


This little girl said that if her master visited a phophet in Samaria he would be cured?

What is the healing of Naaman?


A young man, seemingly with all odds against him, did this with Jehovah's help to this fearsome foe.

What is the stoning of Goliath?


Two individuals who were given specific skills by Jehovah, to build the Ark of the Covenant.

Who is Bezelel and Oholiab?


Jesus told his followers to flee to the mountians during a period where the "enemy" seemed in retreat, after which this prophecy was fulfilled

What is the Destruction of Jerusalem?


2 places that have the exact same name, and were destinations on Pauls Missionary work

What is Antioch?


Judge Gideon prayed for this sign to be given to know that Jehovah was with him.

What is the "Fleece test"?


This happened after a woman acted in faithfullness and took in this army chief under King Jabin of Canaan.

What is the death of Sisera?


This individual was left-handed, and killed King Eglon of Moab.

Who is Ehud?


These two "Kings" were fortold to engage in a "pushing of each other" and has been identified as Russia and the US ,respectively

What is the phophesy of "The King of the North and South"?


A region in egypt where Joseph met his father, Israel

What is Goshen?


Jehoavh made sure this woman and her son werr taken care of by this miracle, if they first took care of Elijah.

What is the Jars of Flour and Oil not running out?


This event led up to a turning point in Paul's (at this time known as Saul) life

What is the murder of Stephen?