This is Kaylee’s favorite (to go) restaurant
What is chipotle
Kaylees position in her stunt group
Kaylees favorite class
Kaylee’s favorite possession
Water bottle
This is Kaylee’s favourite time of day
What is sunset
Kaylee has been On this many sports teams
2 1/2
Stunt where the flyer doesn’t go up yet
Smush then prep
Kaylee feels like sleeping in this class
Kaylee’s worst fear
Someone coming in the house through the skylight, spiders, getting lost
This is Kaylee’s favourite pair of shoes
High tops
Maybe doc marten sandals if that was your guess it can count
Kaylee’s most recent ballet performance piece
Spring waltz
The coach says this so we pay attention
Oui oui
Kaylees current grade in math
A (88)
Kaylee has been to universal studios how many times
3 i think
These are Kaylee’s favorite drinks
Kombucha, coffee
Kaylee’s first tap dance
Little green men from mars
“You can find us on the frontline we never retreat and if youre ___”
“Looking for a fight you’re about to be beat”
Kaylee’s favorite thing about phhs
no uniform, nice campus when it’s empty
Kaylees favorite color this exact moment
Blue like the tiles
This is Kaylee’s favorite day of the week
Saturday is school year, Thursday in breaks
The chore kaylee loves
Kaylees favorite cheer
Kaylees least favorite thing about school
(That it exists) other than that Not seeing my friends anymore, chaos, long day
how many salt lamps does kaylee have in her room?