Tour Bus From the Underworld, Tour Bus To Forbidden Realms, Mistake, Shared Ride, Mistaken Arrest, Mistaken Accusation.
What is Sangan
Cyber Dragon Infinity
Inifnite Impermanence
Accesscode Talker
Vtubers comitting crimes.
Live Twins
I was forced to use fusion destiny until everyone hated me.
Where Arf Thou?, Skull Dog Marron, Wight Prince, Monster Rebone.
Oustanding Dog Marron
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Ice Dragon's Prison
Lonefire Blossom
Mai Valentine's best card.
Harpie's Feather Duster
Ronin Toadin
Memory of an Adversary, My Body as a Shield, Reinforcement of the Army, The Warrior Returning Alive.
Marauding Captain
Condemned Darklord
Forbidden Droplet
Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon
Solemn Judgement
Love to banish from the extra deck face down, simple as
Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker
DNA Checkup, Tour Bus To Forbidden Realms, Compulsory Escape Device, Dr. Frankenderp, Ready Fusion.
Magical Scientist
Great Shogun Shien
Evenly Matched
Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion
Sports, Sports, Sports.
I'm just a lil green guy but a bunch of birds ruined everything.
Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds
Skill Drain, Mind Drain, Soul Drain, Hate Buster.
Dark Ruler Ha Des
The King of Yamimakai
D/D Headhunt
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.Evenly Matched.
Started hanging out with a bunch of bird girls and got banned.
Simorgh bird of sovereignty