what is the fear of fear
what is phobophobia?
tyrion is obsessed with this animal
what is a turtle
what movie is about a malfuntioning bot
what is rons gone wrong
What game is the horror version of toy story?
What is poppy playtime?
what book series has the main caracter losing his mother and father and ends up in a abusive family because of his scar?
What is Harry Potter?
fear of needles
what is trypanophobia
this animal got stuck on a beach and had to had people push them into the water
what is a whale
What movie is in a post- apocoliptic world based with dragons
what is Raya and the last dragon?
What game was about a business ruining a family?
What is fnaf?
what book is about escaping a library
what is escape mr lemonchellos library
this is the fear of holes
what is trypopophobia
this animal is on the edge of extinction and was added to Minecraft not long ago.
What is a xlotol?
What new movie is about a NPC falling in love with a player?
what is free guy?
this family never got to live there entire life
what is afton family?
What is the graphic novel where twins fight over an election?
what is twins?
what phobia is hippopottomonostrosisescostaliophobia?
what is the fear of long words?
what animal abandons the babys once they are 13 weeks old?
what are squirells
what movie is about being bullied online
what is power off
this game character has a thery not to be trusted.
who is gregory?
what is the fear of yellow
What animal is a tom for a boy, but a queen for a girl?
What is a cat?
what will a gachatuber call a movie they have made?
what is a gacha life mini move? (gcmm)
what game is based off a movie and starts with a c?
what is coraline?