What job was Marbury appointed to?
Federal Judge
What territory did Lewis and Clark explore?
The Louisiana Purchase
Who was the Native American leader in the Indiana territory who wanted to fight against American settlers?
What year did the war of 1812 start?
Who was the 5th President of the United States?
James Monroe
Who appointed Marbury?
John Adams
Who sent Lewis and Clark to explore this territory?
President Thomas Jefferson
Who was the Governor of the Indiana territory?
William Henry Harrison
What year did the war of 1812 end?
What important U.S. Policy stated that European countries should stay out of issues in the Americas and the U.S. would stay out of issues in Europe?
Monroe Doctrine
What power did the Supreme Court give itself in this case?
Judicial Review (Declare Laws Unconstitutional)
Who did the United States buy this territory from?
What was the battle named where Native Americans fought against U.S. soldiers in the Indiana territory in 1811?
Battle of Tippecanoe
What city did British invaders burn down in 1814?
Washington D.C.
Who was the famous General who led the U.S. army in the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
What position did James Madison have in President Jefferson's cabinet?
Secretary of State
What river did Lewis and Clark travel on for most of their journey?
Missouri River
Who encouraged the Native Americans to attack American frontiersmen?
The British
Who was President during the War of 1812
James Madison
James Monroe was the last U.S. President who had a major role in what important event in U.S. history?
American Revolution
Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in this case?
John Marshall
Who was the Native American guide Lewis and Clark met on their journey?
What political office did William Henry Harrison hold later in his life.
9th President of the United States
What battle was fought after the war officially ended?
Battle of New Orleans
What river took Lewis and Clark out to the Pacific Ocean?
Columbia River