Who was the first President who was not from Virginia or Massachusetts?
Andrew Jackson
The "Corrupt Bargain"
What do we call the large shift in economic activities and processes in the first half of the 19th century?
The Market Revolution
The War of 1812 was arguably the North American theater of what larger conflict?
The Napoleonic Wars
The most important foreign policy in American History
The Monroe Doctrine
Who was the President that oversaw the War of 1812?
James Madison
This presidential election is sometimes called a "Revolution" because it was the first transition of power between parties.
The Erie Canal
Andrew Jackson became a national hero after leading the defense of what southern city?
New Orleans
The Jacksonian Democrat policy to deal with Native American populations living on desirable land
Indian Removal/ Relocation
Thomas Jefferson
The weird one where the Whigs tried running 4 candidates regionally instead of a single national candidate
This 19th century innovation was the largest leap in communication since written language
The telegraph
This treaty ended the war in 1815 and essentially restored the status quo from before the war.
The Treaty of Ghent
The prevalent idea of the early 19th century regarding America's inevitable expansion westward across North America
Manifest Destiny
This President was the only one in American History for whom English was not his first language?
Martin Van Buren (Dutch)
The blowout victory of Andrew Jackson over JQA
Which Jacksonian Era party prioritized helping businesses through things like LLCs and gentleman corporation laws?
The Whigs
What was the name of the overarching Whig economic policy that promoted American business by investing in infrastructure and implementing protective tariffs
The American System
Whose foreign policy shift guided America for nearly 100 years
James Monroe
A loser of the Presidential election of 1824 and again in 1836 (and 1844 we haven't gotten to yet)
Henry Clay
To aid business, government must weigh incentivizing innovation against what other interest?
The Federalists Party was indirectly destroyed by the War of 1812 because of what event that painted them as unpatriotic and even treasonous?
The Hartford Convention
The Spoils System