The belief of God
What is a Father and only true God
True or False: Jehovah's Witnesses do not observe holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays.
The century Jehovah Witness was founded
What is the 19th century
The length of their funeral services
What is 15-30 minutes
Their belief on Jesus
What is God's firstborn son, inferior to God, and was created by God
True or False: They call God Johonah
Where the first oversea branch was
What happens when to someone when they leave the religion
What is shunning or cutting ties
Their belief on the holy spirit
What is God's active force, the Holy Spirit is not a person
True or False: They use the symbol of the cross
Where Jehovah witness was founded
What is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The reason they don't celebrate holidays
What is they have Pagan origins
Their belief on after death
What is the soul waits, in an unconscious state, for resurrection to life; Most believers will be raised to an earthly paradise, but a selected few will rule with Christ in Heaven.
True or False: The Witnesses translation of the bible is called the New World Testament of the Holy Scriptures
Charles Russell's religious background
What is Presbyterian background
How often and for how long the Jehovah Witnesses meet for assemblies
What is two days
How they are saved
What is salvation through Christ's sacrifice, repenting of sins, call on the name of Jehovah; conforming to the moral requirements set out in the Bible is essential for salvation.
True or False: They salute the national flag, but they do not sing the national anthem
The founders of Jehovah witnesses
who is Charles Taze Russell
Where sinners go when they die
What is nowhere; their existence is over and there is no hell