The Ministry
Our organization
Our congregation

To help others to know Jehovah.

What is Why we go out in the ministry?


We called this before we acquired the name Jehovah's witnesses.  

What is Bible students.


We hope you know how many elders we have in our congregation. They are so dear to us and shepherd us so well and we want to thank all of them by name. 

 1) Bro            2) Bro          3) Bro

 4) Bro            5)Bro           6) Bro

 7) Bro            8) Bro          9) Bro

10)  Bro           11) Bro


verse that gives us a glimpse of the paradise   

What is revaluation 21:4


He is our king 

Who is Jesus Christ?


Scriptural bases for our ministry on.

 Mathew 24:14, Mathew 28:19,20  


This many people attended the international convention of 2019.

 What is 48,000


How about our ministerial servants? They are such a blessing to our congregation and we are glad to have this many named.

 # ___

1) Bro                    2) Bro 

3) Bro                    4) Bro

5) Bro                    6) Bro


Finish this verse "may people know...

"that you whose name is Jehovah you alone are the most high over all the earth."


We look forward to Jesus and his co-rulers aiding people to perfection in a world with out Satan for this number of years. 

What is 1,000?


The most important thing to have in the ministry?  

 What is the bible. Sword of the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:17)


The last three conventions had these themes and you can find videos from all there here. 

 2019 - Love never fails,

2018 -  Be courageous,  and 

2017 - Don't give up? and JW Library


Perhaps you were on the RBC when our Kingdom Hall was built that year.

 What is 1991?


Three names for Jehovah in the scriptures 

What is father, almighty and most high?


We look forward to seeing the righteous and the unrighteous again after this miracle.

What is the resurrection?


Reasons we should know how to use the bible.

 God's word is the authority share his world not our own.   


He was the most recent to become a member to join the governing body

Who is Brother Kenneth Cook


We love all this number of our pioneers from the oldest to the youngest.  

What is ___________?


The number of times Jehovah's name is in the bible, not including Lord and God).

What is over 7000?


On this day the Christian congregation started and these two miracles took place.

What is Pentecost 33 CE?

What is Tongues (Holy Spirit was poured out) as of fire set upon the 120 disciples and they spoke many languages declaring the magnificent things of God.


We preach using various methods in the ministry.

 1) door to door,   2) letters, 

 3) phone,    4) Special metropolitan & Local Public Witnessing (carts),  5) public (street work), and 6) informal witnessing.


The names of all the governing body members. 

Who are Bro Jackson, Bro S. Herd, Bro G Loche, Bro Sanderson, Bro K Cook, Bro Lett, Bro Morris and  Bro Splane?


O' we love our C.O.'s too and our last visit was from this Bro and his wife. We look forward to their next visit soon in this month.

Who are the Bundy's?

What is June?


Jehovah has many quality but is dominant quality is this. 

What is Love? 


This is when Revelation 20:10 is completed. 

What is "the Devil is hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, ... and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.