What are the two most common household pets people have?
What are cats and dogs!
What are dried grapes called?
What are raisins!
What is the Capital of the United States?
What is Washington, D.C?
What is the biggest ocean animal?
What is a Whale!
What is the main ingredient in Cotton Candy?
What is sugar
What is the coldest continent in the world?
What is Antarctica?
What is a name of a bird that cannot fly?
What is a Penguin, Ostrich, Emu or Kiwi bird!
What is the most popular pizza topping?
What is Pepperoni!
The United States consists of how many states?
50 States
What is the fastest land animal?
Hint the live in Africa!
What is a Cheetah!
What is Pumpkins!
What is the name of the longest river in the world?
What it the Nile river?
How many legs does a lobster have?
What is 10 legs!
What plant does Chocolate come from?
What is Cocoa Beans!
What was the name of the giant super continent during the time of the dinosaurs?
What is Pangea!