The fourth declension masculine endings
What are:
-us -us
-us -uum
-ui -ibus
-um -us
-u -ibus
Name the three sum compound verbs we know.
absum, adsum, possum
Categorize these adjectives into the 1st/2nd declension type or 3rd declension type: amplus, senex, par, dexter, iustus
1st/2nd: amplus, dexter, iustus
3rd: senex, par
Give phrases in English that demonstrate these three concepts: partitive genitive, accusative of duration of time, and accusative of extent of space.
Give the definitions of the following words: portus, fluctus, exercitus
port, wave, army
The fifth declension endings
What are:
-es -es
-ei -erum
-ei -ebus
-em -es
-e -ebus
Translate muniverant, dormiam, and convenimus.
They had built, I will sleep, and we assemble(d)
Categorize the following adjectives into 3, 2, or 1-termination type adjectives: diligens, difficilis, felix, nobilis, tristis, utilis
3-termination: none
2 termination: difficilis, nobilis, tristis, utilis
1 termination: diligens, felix
Translate the following phrase and name its case usage: tria milia virorum
Partitive genitive; three thousand men
Give the definitions of the following words: line of battle, hope, day
acies, spes, dies
These words share the same number and case. Name them: meridiei, praemii, manus
Genitive singular
Translate aderimus, potuisti, and inquit.
They will be present, you were able to, he says/said
Name the different categories of adjectives in our comparative rules chart and the comparative and superlative rules for each type.
regular adjectives: -ior, -ius -issiumus, a, -um
adj. in -er:-ior, -ius masc. nom. s. + -rimus, -a, -um
(dis)similis/difficilis/facilis: -ior, -ius -limus, -a, -um
adj. in -ius or -eus: magis [adj.] maxime [adj.]
irregular adjectives: memorize!
Translate the following phrase and name its case usage: for five days
quinque dies; accusative of duration of time
The word "prope" can be two parts of speech. Name which ones it can be.
Adverb (almost) or preposition (near)
Name the ablative singular of res, tergum, and impetus.
re, tergo, impetu
Conjugate invenio in the third person singular for all 6 tenses, both voices.
invenit/invenitur, inveniebat/inveniebatur, inveniet/invenietur, invenit/inventus est, invenerat/inventus erat, invenerit/inventus erit
Create all degrees of adverbs of the following words: felix, bonus, and diu
felix: feliciter, felicius, felicissime
bonus: bene, melius, optime
diu: diutius, diutissime
Translate this phrase in BOTH comparison constructions that we have learned: a general bolder than his people (nom sing)
imperator audacior quam populus eius
imperator audacior populo eius
Give all definitions of quam (hint: one is not in Chapters 29-36 because we've already learned it!).
how, than, as, which/whom
Translate the following phrases in the dative plural: public duty, famous downfall, middle of the day
Name the infinitive usage in the following sentence:
Caesar equites impetus in cornu hostium iussit facere.
infinitive with subject accusative
What are the three common words where the neuter accusative singular gets taken as a adverb?
primum, multum, facile
Multo fortius pugnat.
Identify whether these vocabulary words take a partitive genitive: mille, milia, medius, summus, plus
Yes: milia, plus
No: mille, medius, summus