Holland is Just My Type
Career Counseling is "Super"
I Didn't Plan It, This Category Just Happened
Career Counseling "Culture Club"
Career Counseling-Not "Too Cool for School"
Six personality types, six environments, people search for environments that will allow them to express their values and behavior is determined by interaction of personality and environment
What are the four main assumptions of Holland's theory?
Career development that takes place across a person's lifetime
What is life span?
The founders of the Learning Theory of Career Counseling
Who are Krumboltz and colleagues Mitchell and Jones?
When a counselor assumes their own values and belief systems are superior to other worldviews and are thus at the very least insensitive to their clients
What is ethnocentrism?
Enhance self-understanding, learn to engage more effectively in educational and occupational exploration and career planning
What are career development goals for middle/junior high school students?
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional
What is RIASEC?
Life role plus lifestyle and their sequential combination
What is life space?
Assessment instrument used by career counselors to help clients recognize problematic beliefs that might be impeding the client's career development process
What is the CBI (Career Beliefs Inventory)?
The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group
What is acculturation?
The basic needs of secondary school students coping with the transformation process from school to work or school to school that include categories of support, awareness and skills
What is transition enhancement?
The degree of fit between personality type and work environment
What is congruence?
Super's theoretical perspective has key aspects of career development which include life span, life space and self concept. This theory is not considered unified, it is considered...
What is segmental?
An idea that indecision is desirable and sensible, allowing the opportunity for clients to benefit from unplanned events
What is planned happenstance?
One suggests a universal approach, while the other suggests a more culturally specific point of view in regard to counseling perspectives
What is etic versus emic?
Four identity statuses that include identity diffused (or identity confused), foreclosed, moratorium and identity achieved
What is Marcia's taxonomy of adolescent identity?
The degree of distinctness among personality profile types
What is differentiation?
Super's theory leads to an intervention model called
What is C-DAC Career Development Assessment and Counseling?
Genetic endowment and special abilities, environmental conditions and events, instrumental and associative learning experiences and task approach skills are all considered this within the context of SLTCDM
What are four factors that influence career development?
Cultural norms that emphasize personal achievement regardless of the expense of group goals, creating a strong degree of competition
What is individualism?
Samples of career goals, career exploration activities, extracurricular activities or any important planning tools complied over time used to compare and contrast growth and make future plans
What is a life-role portfolio?
A clear and stable picture of a person's goals, interests and talents
What is vocational identity?
Son or daughter, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, spouse or partner, homemaker, parent and pensioner
What are nine major life roles according to Super?
Self-observation generalizations, world-view generalizations, task approach skills and actions
What are the factors influencing career decision making?
Cultural norms that stress family and/or work group goals over independent needs or aspirations
What is collectivism?
Macrocenter, counseling orientation, general level service, career planning and placement and minimal service
What are five major approaches to delivering career services for higher education?