Harvest Season
There's No Place Like Home
Tasty Slogans
This 'N' That

You will likely only eat the red and green stalks of this vegetable in a pie mixed with strawberries. 

What is Rhubarb! The leaves whether they are cooked or raw are poisonous.


The USA and Canada are both home to this natural attraction.

What is Niagara Falls.  It is earth's second largest falls.


Jagmeet Singh became the leader of what political party in 2017?

What is the New Democratic Party (NDP)?


"Betcha can't eat just one!" is this brand's slogan.

What is Lay's potato chips? It's catchy but obvious. In this case, obvious works lol.


He is known as Ol Blue Eyes and Chairman of the Board.

Who is Frank Sinatra. He was one of the first teen idols.


This legume is treated as a nut and often mistaken for one.

What is a peanut! A 12 oz jar of peanut butter requires around 500 peanuts.


This city was the original home of baseball's Dodgers.

What is Brooklyn.  Today the franchise is based in LA...and they are the LA Dodgers now.


Which of the following cities in Ontario has the largest population?

A) Barrie

B) North Bay

C) Sault Ste. Marie

A) Barrie


"Double your pleasure" is this brand's slogan.

What is Doublemint chewing gum? The full slogan is "Double your pleasure, double your fun with double good, double good, Doublemint gum"

Campfire stories go better with this treat that combines graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows. 

What are s'mores? They are equally delicious when you roast them over a charcoal grill, firepit, or gas stovetop.


This flower is a symbol of harvest season.

What is Chrysanthemum. Globally, they are the the second-largest harvest in the ornamental category after roses. 


This is the home of the first Madame Tussauds wax museum.

What is London. Madame Tussaud was born in France but learned about sculpting this wax art from a French artist who bequeathed her two museums. Today there are 24 museums worldwide.


What war saw Canadians soldiers storm the shores of Normandy?

What is World War II

"Good to the last drop" is this brand's slogan.

What is Maxwell House coffee? Folger's slogan is "the best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup"


And easy way to get chewing gun out of hair is to use this half of a popular kids' sandwich filling. 

What is peanut butter? the oil in peanut butter can dissolve chewing gum.  Both are hydrophobic, meaning they don't mix with water. Using the water to remove chewing gum make it cling to the hair even harder.


This purple vegetable doesn't come from a chicken.

What is Eggplant? Often called aubergine around Europe, these fruits originally came from India but are now enjoyed around the world.


French Polynesia is home to this island, its largest island, and a popular honeymoon and tourist destination.

What is Tahiti. 


What historic hotel was first opened in Quebec City in 1893?

What is Chateau Frontenac.


"Choosy mothers choose" this.

What is Jif peanut butter.


The winning team of this event takes home the Vince Lombardi trophy.

What is the Super Bowl. The trophy is named for legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi, on the greatest coaches of all time.

Cranberries are harvested by doing this..

What is flooding the fields. When the fields are flooded the cranberries float to the top to make it easier for them to be harvested.


This home to central Greece is home to the Meteora monasteries, six ancient functioning monasteries high atop towering cliffs. 

What is Thessaly. The Meteora monastaries are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Which province was the first to allow women to vote, doing so in 1916?

What is Manitoba.


"Taste the rainbow" is this brand's slogan.

What are Skittles. The original slogan was "taste a rainbow of flavours"


They are Agatha Christie's young, adventurous detective couple.

Who are Tommy and Tuppence (Beresford). Their agency is Young Adventurers Ltd. and their first appearance in a Christie novel was in The Secret Adversary. Fox Films adapted the novel as the first Christie feature film, a German silent film.