1940s Trivia
Fruits de Mer
Cats and Dogs
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He was the British prime minister during World War II.

Who is Winston Churchill? When he became prime minister, he wrote, “I felt... that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial.” He led Britain to victory during the war.


Fruits de mer means this.

What is “fruits of the sea”? It’s French for “seafood.


Founded in 1885, this is the oldest national park in Canada.

What is Banff National Park?


 For roughly what percentage of their lives do cats sleep?

What is 70 percent? This is about 13 to 16 hours daily.


What bird is the symbol of happiness?

What is the bluebird? Some sources attribute this phrase to the 1934 song “Bluebird of Happiness” by Jan Peerce. It is also referenced in the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow 


This country’s attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II.

What is Japan? According to the USO, “[Japanese Adm. Isoroku] Yamamoto—the key architect of Pearl Harbor— had served as a military attaché in Washington and had traveled across the United States.”


You can defrost fish in this liquid to make it more flavorful.

What is milk? Milk contains enzymes that break down protein, making the fish tender and giving it a fresh-caught flavor.


Which province has the largest forestry industry?

What is British Columbia?


Orangey, a beautiful tabby, appears in Breakfast at Tiffany’s alongside what starring actress?

Who is Audrey Hepburn? Orangey was known to bite and scratch his human costars. Talk about a diva! 


 What is nitrous oxide commonly known as? Hint: A dentist uses it.

What is Laughing Gas? Nitrous oxide has no colour or smell. It has been used to reduce pain and induce pleasurable sensations since its discovery in 1772.


This type of women’s swimsuit was launched in the mid-1940s.

What is bikini? Allegedly, part of the reason for the abbreviated swimsuits was fabric rationing during the war.


Fear not, Flipper! Mahi mahi comes from this fish, not the marine mammal.

What is the dolphinfish? Coryphaena hippurus, also known as the dolphinfish, can swim at speeds of up to 57.5 mph (92.6 kph)!


According to Environment Canada, how many hours must a snowstorm last before it can officially be classified as a blizzard?

What is 4 Hours?


How many eyelids do dogs have?

What is three? The third lid is called a nictitating membrane and functions as translucent “goggles” to protect the eye.


What sugar is found in fruits?

What is Fructose? It is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion.


“Here’s looking at you, kid,” comes from this classic 1940s-era film.

What is Casablanca? The movie is set in Casablanca, Morocco, where American expats and others who were stranded in Europe during World War II fled to escape the war.


When you devein shrimp, you’re not removing a vein; you are removing this.

What is the intestinal tract? The intestinal tract is located on the back of the shrimp, just under the skin. You can ask your grocer to devein the shrimp, but there may be a charge.


There are how many judges are in the Supreme Court of Canada?

What is 9?


The Akita is a breed of dog named for a prefecture in what country?

What is Japan? Developed as a hunting and working dog, Akitas were once restricted to only the imperial family or their court.


What is the head waiter at a French restaurant called?

What is a Maître d’ ? Maître means “master” in French 


These brothers topped the charts in 1944 with their hit “You Always Hurt the One You Love.”

Who are The Mills Brothers? The song was written by Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher.


Of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it’s the one more often found in oily fish.

What are omega-3s? Omega-3s are good fatty acids and are more abundant in fatty fish, such as salmon. We still need omega-6 fatty acids in our diet, however. The perfect ratio is 2:1 omega-3 to omega-6.


Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, what team was only allowed to have 3,500 fans attend games 3 and 4 of the Stanley Cup finals in 2021?

Who are the Montreal Canadians?

The Manx cat breed is noted for often lacking what physical feature?

What is a tail? These cats may have originated around the Isle of Man sometime in the mid-1700s.


Who wrote the classic novels The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Misérables?

Who is Victor Hugo? Hugo was a French Romantic writer. The Hunchback of Notre Dame was published in 1831. Les Misérables was published in 1862.