All Latin principal parts of the word meaning love
What is amor, amoris, m
The name of the new genitive case use
Objective genitive
The case use of the accusative without a preposition
What is direct object
The case use of a nominative after a linking verb (versions of to be)
What is predicate
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning great, large
What is magnus, magna, magnum
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning brother
What is frater, fratris, m
The case/number/gender and translation of carus frater
What is nom/sg/m meaning The dear/expensive brother
The case/number/gender and translation of caro fratre
What is abl/sg/m meaning b/w/f the dear brother
The case/number/gender and translation of caris fratribus (i.o.)
What is dat/pl/m meaning t/f the dear brother
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning many, much
What is multus, multa, multum
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning dear, expensive
What is carus, cara, carum
The case/number/gender and translation of magnorum munerum
What is gen/pl/n, meaning of the great funerals
The case/number/gender and translation of bono pectore
What is abl/sg/n meaning b/w/f the good heart
The case/number/gender and translation of pulchram virtutem
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning beautiful, handsome
What is pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning courage, manliness, worth
What is virtus, virtutis, f
The case/number/gender and translation of Funerals (note the capital)
What is nom, pl, n meaning munera
The case/number/gender and translation of with courage
What is abl/sg/f meaning virtute
The case/number/gender and translation of for the desires
What is dat/pl/f meaning cupidinibus
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning good
What is bonus, bona, bonum
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning duty, funeral, gift
What is munus, muneris, n
The case use of a genitive that is NOT showing possession but is the object of another noun.
What is objective genitive
The translation of the sentence:
Timor laudis est malus.
The translation of the sentence:
Meus amor sororis est magnus
What is my love of (my) sister is great
All Latin principal parts of the word meaning few
What is pauci, paucae, pauca