In what year is our next federal election?
This year
What is our team name as listed in our signatures
Premier Direct 1
Picture #1
Name a team in the Superbowl rematch on Monday
Philadelphia Eagles, Kansas City Chiefs
Name a land-locked country
Winner of Triple J's hottest 100
Chappel Roan - Good Luck, Babe
What is our current ABT and referral target out of (x/y)
x/30, y/25
Picture #2
Name a West Coast Eagles player who played in either the 2005 or 2006 Grand Final
Who is the current British Prime Minister
Keir Starmer
How many Star Wars films have been theatrically released
What is the rate and term for the special rate
4.7%, 12 months
Picture #3
Which team currently has the most Serie A Scudettos (League winners)
Most populated city in the United States
New York City
List 1 to 10 in a language other than English
For Perth: Where is the Parramatta office located
For Sydney: Where is the Perth office located
3 Parramatta Square
100 St Georges Terrace
Professional powerlifting competitions consist of which three movements
Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift
Which European country has the highest population
What year did the first world war start and end?
1914 - 1918
What's the max transfer limit for trade
$20k online
$100k phone
Picture #5
Who is the most decorated Snooker player
Ronnie O'Sullivan
What does NATO stand for
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation