Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice
Oh the places we will go
Hu's that

Sugar is often criticized for having a carceral mindset, regularly putting herself in "jail." She could benefit from reading "We Do This 'Til We Free Us," by this esteemed abolitionist.

Who is Mariame Kaba?


The library of congress classification is a way of shelving books in a library. Relevant to abhi, this was this subject was the last class to be developed in this system.

What is Law?


Law Open is a mailing list where umich law students can send messages to all their fellow classmates. This is a 4 letter term for unsolicited mass emails.

What is spam?


Abhi spent undergrad at Michigan State university in East Lansing. MSU is the home of a 30 year long experiment, the longest running experiment studying this natural phenomenon.

What is evolution?


Brian met Abhi at international academy in michigan where they both did forensics. A nearby state was the birthplace of the national forensic league

What is Wisconsin?


According to scientists, if you inverted the color of sugar's fur she would be a black cat. Black cats are unfortunately sometimes associated with misforturne. In this highland country, however, black cats are considered a symbol of good luck.

What is Scotland?


It has long been held that the Harold Washington library in chicago is abhi's favorite library. This library is named after Mayor Harold Washington, who received his JD from this Midwestern institution.

What is Northwestern?


Abhi is starting her law career as a public defender soon at bronx defenders. This New York borough has the most handball courts.

What is the Bronx?


Abhi lived in both Chicago and San Francisco prior to law school. Denver, which sits between both of these cities, is in this timezone.

What is Mountain time?


Brian majored in Business and Computer Science at the University of Michigan. This business introduced the first mass-market personal computer in 1984.

What is Apple?


Sugar is a refined girlie. Otherwise a more appropriate name for her might be this unrefined sweetener consumed in south asia among other places.

What is jaggery?


The Library of Congress serves as a backup storage site for Twitter's entire archive of public tweets, with over 500 million tweets being added to the collection daily. Abhi is known to tweet about libraries from time to time, including an excited tweet about SFPL getting rid of overdue fines in this calendar year.

What is 2019?

Umich Law student spend many of their waking (and sometimes non-waking) hours at UpCo, an acronym for Upper Commons. Acronyms are also used for neighborhoods like SoHo, standing for this full name?

What is "South of Houston street?"


For law school, abhi moved to a college town whose name features this literary device.

What is Alliteration?


Brian famously was born in May of 1994. This month was also the end of the second run of the famous musical that inspired the film "Pretty Woman."

What is "My Fair Lady?"


Sugar is often reminiscent of a cloud. In baking sugar and egg whites can be whipped together to make this fluffy, cloudlike dessert.

What is Meringue?


Abhi is an enthusiastic patron of the Ann Arbor Public Library. Her apartment is full of books, art, and puzzles checked out from the library. However, one more unusual offering that could also be checked out is this tool that can let you see heat signatures.

What is a thermal camera?


One of the last law classes abhi took was labor law. One of abhi's favorite labor of loves is making chai and hosting people. This spice is not traditionally used in chai: cinnamon, fennel, ginger, peppercorn, cloves, cumin, coriander seeds, star anise.

What is cumin?


One of abhi's favorite travel destinations was the Maldives. This ten-letter word, found in the Maldives, refers to a marine creature with a long, slender body, numerous legs, and a hard exoskeleton.

What is "Crustacean""?


Brian's name is Brian. Also named Brian was Brian Johnson, the main character of this 80s cult classic.

What is "The Breakfast Club?"


Sugar is one of a kind. A not quite one of a kind but incredibly rare and highly prized spice, also known as "red gold," is derived from the dried stigmas of a flower that only blooms for a few days each year. It is estimated that it takes over 75,000 of these flowers to produce just one pound of this spice, making it one of the most expensive substances by weight in the world. Used in traditional cuisine and as a natural coloring agent, this spice is often associated with luxury and is challenging to obtain due to its labor-intensive harvesting process. (Two words)

What is kashmiri saffron?


Abhi will often have many books on loan from the library. Museums also often temporarily borrow art from other institutions in this type of exchange.

What is an exhibition loan?


One of the many classes law students must take is Civ Pro. In civil procedure, forum non conveniens is a legal doctrine through which a court acknowledges that another forum or court where the case might have been brought is a more appropriate venue for a legal case, and transfers the case to such a forum. Speaking of not being in the right place, this entry does not fit with the other three in this list:

  1. Gravity
  2. Electromagnetism
  3. Strong nuclear force
  4. Photosynthesis

What is Photosynthesis?


Abhi recently traveled to Mumbai, India. Bollywood is based in Mumbai, known for films such as this action movie that has many similarities to "the prestige".

What is "Dhoom 3"


Brian took HL math in high school. This is the derivative of sin(x)-cos(x)+2x.

What is sin(x)+cos(x)+2?