To flirt or show romantic interest
Come onto / Hit on
On the rocks
In trouble, typically in a relationship or situation
Out of sorts
Feeling not quite right or a bit unwell emotionally
______ the construction outside, I can't concentrate ____ long periods of time.
Because of + for
Pretending not to be interested in someone to make them work harder for your attention
Playing hard to get
To give someone false hope about a romantic relationship
Lead someone on
Over the moon
Extremely pleased or happy
Fed up
Feeling frustrated and tired of something
Give me a correct sentence using 'owing to'.
All over someone
Showing intense affection, often overwhelming
Hit it off
To quickly become friends or romantically attracted to someone
Flying high
Feeling great, full of energy and happiness
Biting your tongue
Holding back an angry or frustrated comment
He was late ____ the meeting _____ the rain.
for + because of
A young, innocent, and sometimes shallow form of love
Puppy love
Go Steady
To be in a stable, committed relationship
Deeply in love or infatuated with someone
On the fence
Uncertain or undecided about something
Give me a correct sentence using 'on account of'
A shoulder to cry on
Someone who is emotionally supportive, often a romantic partner
To stop being single and start a family or a long-term relationship
Settle down
Fond of
To have affectionate feelings for someone
Like a deer in headlights
Feeling shocked, confused, or frozen in a situation
They were excited ___their upcoming vacation, but a few problems arose ____ the flight delay.
for + because of
Wearing your heart on your sleeve
Showing your emotions openly