Where do cows go with their friends?
The mooooovies
40, 50, 60, 70
We are counting up in...
Where is the habitat of otters?
Aquatic habitat; river, ocean, lake
Sebutkan lambang sila pertama Pancasila!
Ms Chloe is from where?
How many letters are in the English alphabet?
26 letters
Aiko says,“54 is the same as 4 tens and 5 ones.”
Is she correct? Explain your answer
No she is not correct.
54 = 5 tens and 4 ones.
This place is dry, hot and covered by sand or rocks. Only some plants and animals can live here. What place is it?
Sebutkan kata kerja yang terdapat pada kalimat di bawah ini!
Josie merapikan buku di atas meja.
Mr Anton is male or female?
Which one is the odd one out?
Boy, Female, Woman, Girl
Winston has less than 30 toys.
Jessica has more toys than Phillips.
Winston has the most toys.
Arrange the children in order, beginning with the child who has the greatest number of toys.
Winston, Jessica, Phillip.
I am a type of teeth. I am sharp and pointy. I can tear food. Adults have four of me. What teeth am I?
Disebut apakah kalimat di bawah ini?
Didan, ayo kita bermain sepak bola di lapangan!
Kalimat ajakan
What is the currency in England?
pounds sterling
What has a neck but no head?
A bottle
Jamila folded some paper roses.
7 were blue roses, 5 were red roses and 4 were yellow roses.
Jamila said that she folded 16 roses in all.
Is she correct? Explain why.
Yes, she is correct because 7 + 5 + 4 = 16.
We use this material for making windows. It is see-through, hard and waterproof. What material is it?
Anta berkata: “rantai adalah simbol sila pertama Pancasila”. Setujukah kamu dengan pendapat Anta? Jelaskan alasan jawabanmu!
Beberapa jawaban yang benar:
Tidak setuju, karena rantai adalah simbol sila kedua Pancasila.
Tidak setuju karena simbol sila pertama adalah bintang.
What colour do you get if you mix..
yellow and red
What do these letters spell?
Aiko prepares 6 chicken puffs and 12 sardine puffs.
He eats 8 puffs.
How many puffs are left?
10 puffs.
What is it called? We use this to measure something from our tip of thumb to tip of our little finger.
Hand span
Sebutkan bunyi sila Pancasila
Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan.
What sport uses a shuttlecock?