The Roaring '20s
The Depression & New Deal
World War II
Postwar America & The Beginnings of the Cold War
Founder of Black Nationalism and promoted the “Back to Africa” movement.
Who is Marcus Garvey?
The photographers of this New Deal program sought out to dramatize real subjects in their actual settings so that middle class viewers would be more sympathetic to FDR’s New Deal programs, be positive, and portray rural people working to improve their predicament, and “introduce Americans to Americans.”
What is the FSA (Farm Security Administration)?
On December 7, 1941 Japanese planes bombed this US base on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The two hour early morning attack by Japanese planes in two unopposed bombing strikes sunk or damaged 19 ships, destroyed nearly 200 aircraft, wounded more than 1100 and killed 2403 Americans.
What is Pearl Harbor?
The financial counterpart to the Truman Doctrine which pledged financial assistance to Europe to stimulate post-war recovery; to provide relief for the hungry, homeless and desperate; and to prevent further spread and threat of communism.
What is the Marshall Plan?
Where did Barry Bonds, Tom Brady, Lynn Swann and Bob Fitzgerald go to high school?
What Junipero Serra High School, San Mateo, CA?
Cultural movement that depicted the flourishing of African American political thought and artistic expression.
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
was mainly a five-state area affected by severe climate conditions of drought and dust storms during the 1930s.
What is the Dust Bowl?
During WWII, you couldn't just walk into a shop and buy as much sugar, butter or meat as you wanted nor could you fill up your car with gasoline whenever you liked. Certain things were in short supply during the war, and this was the only way to make sure everyone got their fair share.
What is rationing?
After WWII, returning veterans faced a severe housing shortage. In response to the crisis, developers used assembly-line methods to mass-produce houses.
What is the development of suburbs?
Where are the Facebook Headquarters located?
What Menlo Park, CA?
Allowed consumers to buy goods on credit by paying a small amount of money initially and then paying off the remainder in monthly installments.
What is an Installment Plan?
On, October 29, 1929, the stock market suffered its worst one day loss in history and this continued a downward cycle resulting in the Great Depression.
What was Black Tuesday?
Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR issued Executive Order 9066, which was justified as a "military necessity," that forced 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry to be evacuated and endure mass incarceration on the West Coast.
What is Japanese Internment?
During the late 1940s through the early 1960s, the birthrate in the US soared and represent the largest generation in the nation's history.
Who is the baby boom?
What happened to Kobe when the Lakers played the Warriors two weeks ago?
He tore his Achilles tendon!
A “pseudo-science” claiming that human inequalities are inherited, which fueled racism and moved to stop certain groups from procreating (forced sterilization and anti- miscegenation laws).
What is eugenics?
About 1000 veterans set off on a march to Washington to lobby Congress to pass the bill granting each veteran a $1000 bonus for fighting in WWI.
What was the Bonus Army?
One of the most infamous events of the Pacific war, took place in 1942, after the Japanese captured more than 76,000 Americans in the Philippines. Several hundred men were killed and thousands of Americans and Filipinos were forced to march in the northern part of the Philippine islands for four days through the jungles. They were given no food, little water, and little rest.
What is the Bataan Death March?
In 1956, Eisenhower authorized a nationwide highway network that was 41,000 miles of road linking America.
Who is Interstate Highway Act?
What high school did poet Maya Angelou attend?
Outlawed the production, sale and transportation of alcohol.
What is Prohibition?
This New Deal Program was intended to employ people to work on massive construction projects to benefit the infrastructure of the nation (roads, bridges, hospitals, libraries, schools, and so on) and employ artists, writers, and photographers to help them preserve their craft.
What is WPA (Works Progress Administration)?
Four months after the Pearl Harbor attack, on April 18, 1942, American spirits got a boost when the US Army Aircorps led 16 planes on a bombing raid over Japan. Four cities, including the capital city of Tokyo, were bombed. Not only did it excite the American public, but it also served as a warning to the Japanese that they were vulnerable.
What is the Doolittle Raid?
As Cold War fears grew, much of the nation became convinced that communists within the country were working on a large scale to subvert the American government. In 1947, this Committee, which included Richard Nixon, led a series of highly publicized hearings in which witnesses were forced into confessions.
What is HUAC?
Who died 20 years ago today?
Cesar Chavez