Responsible for the reception of signals from other neurons
The threshold voltage to start the action potential
The vehicle for the neurotransmitters
Name the 4 lobes of the brain
Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe
The 3 meninges of the brain
Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater
Propagate the signal from the cell body to the terminal buttons
This ion moves in the cell membrane during depolarization
Sodium Ions
The gap between two neurons
Synaptic cleft
It is concerned with memory formation
Temporal lobe
The compartment for the cerebellum
Responsible for the production of protein that keeps other parts functioning. It also contains the nucleus
Soma/Cell Body
This is the part of the action potential when voltage-gated potassium channels open
Name the two neurons that are in a synaptic transmission
Pre-synaptic neuron and post-synaptic neuron
The lobe where the hippocampus is located
Temporal lobe
It is responsible for sexual pleasure, homeostasis, hunger and body temp
Contains the chemicals responsible for sending signals from one neuron to another
Axon Terminal
This protein operates during the hyperpolarization stage/relative refractory period
Sodium/Potassium Pump
This activates the vesicles to merge with the cell membrane and release neurotransmitters
Action Potential
The lobe responsible for olfactory sensory input
Frontal Lobe
Condition when motor neurons die
Wernig-hoffman disease
The 2 variants of substances that cover the axon
Schwann cells
Name the 3 types of ion channels
Voltage-gated ion channel
Stimulus-gated ion channel
Sodium and Potassium Leaks
State the 3 outcomes of the neurotransmitters in the transmission
Get re up taken and recycled; diffuse in the brain; received by the other neuron
It is concerned with taste, touch, pain and hunger among others
Parietal lobe
Explain Savant Syndrome
People with autism having exceptional skills