Carb Calculations
T1D Management
Packing and Planning

Which of the following has the most carbs

A. 1 Roasted chicken leg with 5 carrot sticks

B. Cobb Salad (chicken, veggies, and cheese)

C. One Corn on the cob and 2 hot dogs (no bun)

D. 1 Serving of Spaghetti and meatballs with 2 pieces of garlic bread

D. Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread


Which of these treats would be a good low snack?

A. Chips

B. Diet Coke

C. Skittles

D. Bacon

C. Skittles


Which of the following is a way to protect a site or other device that has to stay attached to you during sports?

A. tight sleeves/ compression clothing

B. Pro wrap and medical tape

C. a sticky patch (kind of like a band-aid but bigger)

D. Vet Wrap
E. All of the above.

E. All of the above


What is something you might need to pack carefully for?

Any of the following or others:

-field trip

-camping trip



-sports tournament

-summer camp!


How much insulin would you do if your ratio is 1/10 and you are about to drink a can of cream soda with 66 carbs in it?

6.6 units of insulin


List three different ways you could take insulin!

Insulin pump, Injections, Insu-Jet


What part of your body does your insulin get absorbed into during sports?

Your muscles!


How could you safely bring your supplies when going boating?

A waterproof bag (dry bag) or a ziplock bag 


You are taking 4 units of insulin using a 1/7 ratio. How many carbohydrates are in the food you are eating?

28 carbohydrates


List three different ways you could test your blood sugar

Blood test, CGM (pump or dex-Com), or flash sensor (libre)


What is the name of the hormone in your body which raises your blood sugar during high-intensity sports?



List three practical ways to keep your low supplies from freezing while outside in the winter

Ex/ put it in an inside pocket of your jacket put it next to a hand warmer, put it in your glove/mitten