Magic Items

This hard to pronounce spell is wonder for utility, being able to snuff out candles, clean objects and even flavor white people food!

What is Prestidigitation


The class introduced to the world by one Matthew Mercer, that invokes the power of hemocraft.

What is Blood Hunter


These small, nimble folk often live in burrows or small villages, known for their hairy feet and knack for staying out of trouble....except when they’re stealing pies from windowsills

What is a halfling.


This magic item, is perhaps the strongest magic item in the entire game, allowing your cape to flutter without the presence of wind.

What is Cloak of Billowing


The actual name of amaan's main character in the one piece campaign. (Not their nickname)

What is Gwynara


This is the sorcerers ONLY unique spell, introduced in the XGE book.

What is Chaos Bolt


This class gets a feature at second level, giving the user advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects they can see.

What is Barbarian


These savage conquerors and carnivores brought to this world by demonic rites are also very good at getting out of mazes and recalling labyrinths.

What is a Minotaur

This armor allows even a weak goblin to wear bulky armor like chain mail, and do so without giving up your stealthiness.

What is Mithral Armor


Travis Willingham plays this goliath fighter/barbarian for critical role, in Vox Machina.

Who is Grog Strongjaw


This number of medium sized creatures can fit in Leomunds Tiny Hut with you.

What is Nine.

The level that non moon druids are first able to wild shape into beasts of CR 1/2 with no flying speed.

What is 4th Level


This species feature gives you advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.

What is Fey Ancestry.


This magic item only has 3 charges that restore every dawn, but it allows for quick and convenient travel, provided you have the right amount of familiarity with the destination.

What is Helm of Teleportation.


The amount of dice you would roll for the damage of a 6th level magic missile.

What is ONE (im so sorry)


This 6th-level spell, requiring a 100 gold piece item as a material component, allows you to take full advantage of your foes, even after their death.

What is Soul Cage


The amount of fall damage a 6th level monk can reduce using slow fall class feature.

What is 30


This species connection to dragons allows them to choose from one of 3 traits that has manifested as the result of their legacy

What is Kobold


The maximum number of magic items an artificer can attune to

What is six


The Lost Mines of Phandelver has the party face off against a dragon of this color in the ruins of Thundertree.

What is Green


This spell's material component requires leather to be wrapped around an arm, or a similar body part.

What is Freedom Of Movement


This eldritch invocation, locked until level 12, allows you to teleport to someone wearing your talisman, and vice versa, provided you are in the same plane of existence.

What is Bond of the Talisman


The distance a 5th level Harengon can jump with their rabbit hop feature.

What is 15 feet.

This item allows the user to walk on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as if they were walking on the ground. This does not allow the user to walk on slippery surfaces, like those covered by oil.

What is Slippers of Spider Climbing.


The level of caster you would be considered, if you took 4 levels in cleric, 5 levels in artificer, and 3 levels in eldritch knight fighter.

What is 8th level spellcaster.