Beaver Believers
Lost Lands
Systems of Govt
About Archery

This part of the beaver's body acts as a fat storage reserve and helps them survive winters and tough seasons.

What is the tail?


The artistic and scientific practice of studying/drawing ___.

What are maps?


True or False: The lost city of Atlantis is a real island nation now submerged in the Atlantic Ocean that Greek Philosopher Plato first wrote about. 

What is False?


This system of government can often trace its routes back to Ancient Greece, specifically with the city-state of Athens. 

What is democracy?

True or False: Archery was not included in the Ancient Olympic games, but is now considered an Olympic sport. 

What is False?


Beavers are classified as this type of animal.

What is a rodent?


Map makers used to include "paper towns" (fake towns) on their maps in order to 

What is catch forgers or copiers?


The name of this "lost land" refers to when all continents as we know them today existed as one single supercontinent. 

What is Pangea?


This system of government is established when one individual inherits power and rules for life (or until abdication, like Edward VIII)

What is a monarchy?


Name this famous (fictional) Archer. 

Hint: He looks great in green!

Who is Robin Hood?


There are this many species of beaver found in the world today.

What is 2?

North American Beavers--Castor canadensis 

Eurasian Beavers--Castor fiber


Arguably, the world's best map collection resides in what major European city

What is Paris?

Whether or not you believe the rumors, this area of the North Atlantic Ocean is widely believe to be cursed or haunted. 

Hint: It is also referred to as "The Devil's Triangle"

What is the Bermuda Triangle?


The United States, often characterized as a democracy, actually operates using this system of government: ___. 

What is an Elected/Representative Republic? 

(which is a sub-categorization of democracy) 


Because of the laws of projectile motion, the best archers know that they need to aim ___ above their target. 

What is above/higher? 


Beavers are so crucial to the environment that they are deemed this type of species.

What is a Keystone Species?


There are two different North and South directions. What we think of as North and South on a map are often "True" North and South. But, True North and South don't always line up with ___ North and South. 

What is Magnetic North and South?


The Lost Lands Music Festival is an annual EDM festival held in which U.S. state. 

What is Ohio?


These two systems of government can be easily confused. One, authoritarianism, involves the rejection of individual thought or action in favor of blind submission to an authority figure. The other, ____, also involves the rejection of individual thought or action but often through total control over citizen lives and actions. 

What is totalitarianism? 


The oldest knows archery artifacts were found in this major continent. 

What is Africa?


Beavers secrete a specific compound from the castor glands in their butts (castoreum). This compound is added to food, drinks, and perfumes and adds a ___ flavor. 

What is vanilla? 

This doesn't happen too much anymore. 


The most expensive map on record sold for $10 million. This map is the only surviving copy that first named this major world power. 

What is "America." 

Also would accept the United States. 


It is widely thought that prehistoric humans or cave-people lived and interacted with dinosaurs. Actually, the last non-avian dinosaurs had been extinct about __ million years before our earliest human ancestors arrived.

What is 60-66 million years?


This system of government is characterized by a small group of individuals or families who control government decisions, often acting with corrupt or selfish intentions. 

(Think the Russian Federation or, as some contemporary authors argue, the United States)

What is an oligarchy?


This feature of a bow helps with focusing in on targets and aiming with consistency. 

What is a peep or peep sight?