State Capitals
Scientific Facts
Pop Culture

This city, known for its live music and its "weirdness" is the fourth-most populous city in Texas.

What is, Austin?


The sixth planet from the sun that shares its name with an American car manufacturer.

What is, Saturn?


This, "space opera" movie franchise, features beloved characters Yoda, Chewbacca and C-3PO.

What is, "Star Wars"?


The name of the largest planet in our solar system. 

What is, Jupiter?


Painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, this iconic portrait showcases a woman with a mysterious and captivating smile.

What is, the "Mona Lisa"?


This Ohio city, also the last name of a famous explorer, was originally settled by Native Americans.

What is, Columbus?


This "royal" snake, endemic to Asia, is the longest venomous snake in the world.

What is, a King Cobra?


This nine-time Grammy Award winning, 'bad guy' singer has 120 million followers on Instagram

Who is, Billie Eilish?

This instrument, when played in a certain musical style, is also known as a "fiddle"

What is, a violin?

A celebrated Dutch impressionist painter best known for his "Starry Night" work and sadly for cutting off his own ear.

Who is, Vincent Van Gogh?


This Californian city, whose name is Spanish for "sacrament", played a major role in the Gold Rush.

What is, Sacramento?


These, found on a tree stump, are used to determine the age of a tree.

What are, concentric rings?


"Beat it", "Human Nature", and "P.Y.T" are just some of the hit singles featured on this classic '80s album.

What is, "Thriller"?


This popular French dish, also the name of a Pixar movie, is made of thinly sliced vegetables garnished with olive oil and herbs. 

What is, ratatouille


This 1960s artist has a collection of works featuring Campbell's soup cans.

Who is, Andy Warhol?


This city found in Maine that begins with a summer month, is famous for hosting the Masters Golf Tournament.

What is, Augusta?


This element, that makes up 78% of the Earth's atmosphere, is used to add a smooth creamy texture to coffee drinks.

What is, Nitrogen?


A true virtuoso and 'Piano Man', this artist is the only person to ever have a residency at Madison Square Garden and celebrated 100 sold out shows in 2024.

Who is, Billy Joel?


This "cheesehead" football team is owned by shareholders and the citizens of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Who are, the "Packers"?


This Spanish painter and sculptor with an alliterative name, is famous for inventing a painting style called "cubism".

Who is, Pablo Picasso?


This city, which is French for "rock", is only the 9th most populous city in South Dakota.

What is, Pierre?


This American scientist and inventor, famed for developing more than 300 industrial and commercial products from peanuts, is the first African-American to have a national park named after him. 

Who is, George Washington Carver?


Though he is famous for directing blockbusting, box office smash hits like 'Titanic' and 'Avatar', this man has contributed to advancements in deep-sea exploration. 

Who is, James Cameron?


"Four score and seven years ago" begins the Gettysburg Address given by Abraham Lincoln and is equal to this many years.

What is, 87 years?


This 17th-century artistic style known for using contrast, movement, exuberant detail, deep color and grandeur to achieve a sense of awe, followed the Renaissance movement. 

What is, Baroque?