Science and Health
Social Studies
Life Skills
You should put ________ on a bruise to reduce swelling. A.)pizza B.) ice C.) Legos D.) a bandaid
What country is Phileas Fogg from in the novel Around the World in 80 Days? A.) United Kingdom (England)B.) France C.) Russia D. United States
A.) United Kingdom (England)
Q: What do you call a cheese that isn't yours?
A: Nacho cheese.
To take responsibility is to accept and do your work. To take responsibility, you must know what it is that you are to do. If you are unsure, you should _____________. A.) ask questions B.) just forget about it. C.) go on the iPad D.) just sit at your desk
A.) ask questions
When should we use the bathroom at school ?
During personal time,lunch, or before school starts.
Name 3 States of Matter? A.) Solids, Liquids, Gas B.) Soil, Liquor, Gasoline C.) Alvin, Simon, Theodore D.) orange juice, ice, tea kettle
A.) Solids, Liquids, Gas (and Plasma)
This is a forest that is in an "urban" area. What does "urban" mean? A.) jungle B.) rural C.) city
C.) city
Q: Why did the witches' team lose the baseball game?
A: Their bats flew away.
To get your work done you must __________________. A.) know what you are to do B.)be really smart C.) be really strong
A. know what you are to do.
Rather than blurting, what is the expected behavior in class when you have a question, need to make a comment, or need help from teacher or staff?
Raise a quiet hand and wait to be called on.
In health, we learned that you should do the following if you get a bruise: A.) run around and flap your hands B.) scream C.) remain calm and put ice on it D.) Call Batman
C.) Remain calm and put ice on it.
September 22, 2016 is the first day of Autumn. This days start to get cooler. People start to wear jackets and long pants. The temperatures can be a lot cooler at night and you may have to cover your plants. Sometimes it is very cold on Halloween night. In Autumn, you can see your breath in the mornings. What is the main idea of this paragraph? A.) Autumn is a cooler season. B.)Halloween is fun. C.) I like to wear jackets.
A.) Autumn is a cooler season.
Q: Q: Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
A: Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Don’t do your work until you know what to do. Ask someone what to do when you are unsure. TRUE or FALSE.
It is a GOOD idea to tell other students when they are being unexpected or not following the rules. True or False?
FALSE. It is NOT okay to tell other students when they are being unexpected. It is the staff or teacher's job to help them with expected behaviors.
Dehydration happens when your body doesn't get enough _____________. A.) ice cream B.) food C.) water D.) carbohydrates.
C.) water
In the novel Around the World in 80 Days, Phileas Fogg goes to Bombay. In what country is Bombay? For extra credit what did they ride on in India? A.) Egypt B.) India C.) England
B.) India They rode on an elephant
Q: Why do the French like to eat snails?
A: Because they don't like fast food!
Being RESPONSIBLE means do the work that you are asked to do. Keep busy with your work, not with other things. Do the work you are supposed to do. Don’t look around. Pay attention, and do your work. TRUE or FALSE
How much do two slices of homemade pie cost?
Name a solid, liquid and a gas.
Example: Ice,water,steam
Name 3 cities that are south of Santa Rosa
Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Penngrove
Q: How do trees access the internet?
A: They log in.
You should not pass gas in front of other people. If you need to pass gas, you should go to the bathroom. Another place you can pass gas is outside when no one is near you.Still another place you can pass gas is in your room at home. If you need to pass gas in class, you should raise your hand and ask to use the restroom. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
There are places that you may pass gas, but never around other people.
Ms Cassandra had $23.00. She bought many sour patch kid candies for $19.95, How much money did Ms. Cassandra have left over? For bonus points, what is the "Next Dollar Up from $19.95?
$3.05 $20.00