what's T$s favorite color
how do you say "house" in Spanish
how deep is a six foot hole?
about 20 feet
when did America become independent from Britain?
July 4th
who is Jordan from the bachelorette's brother?
Aaron Rodgers
what is t$s favorite sports team
how do you ask where the bathroom is in Spanish
donde esta el bano
finish the lyric: rise ___ _______
and shine
how did JFK die?
he was assassinated
what does chad do for a living now?
he works in the adult film industry (wink wink)
what's t$s favorite school subject
none (got you)
what's t$s Spanish AP test score
finish the meme: I need a bad bleep, _____ ___.
Addison rae
what did Nixon do?
what tv star from San Diego's staple is that he has no neck?
no neck ed
what is something that t$ owns half of
the sun
what is "20" in Spanish
what company utilizes "the most interesting man in the world" to see their drink?
Dos Equis
how did jimmy Carter die?
he's not dead
what kardashian stopped filming the show
what is t$s best mile time (closest time wins)
who's hips don't lie
Shakira shakira
what name is used to classify individuals who seem to always ask for the manager?
how tall is trump
who is the king of survivor