Introduction to Educational Psychology
Key Theories in Educational Psychology
Developmental Theories
Major Psychologists
Research Methods in Education

This term refers to the study of how people learn and the best practices for teaching them.

What is Educational Psychology?


This theory emphasizes that learning is a result of conditioning through reinforcement and punishment.

What is Behaviorism?


In Piaget’s theory, this stage involves the development of basic motor and sensory skills from birth to about 2 years.

What is the sensorimotor stage?


Known for his work on operant conditioning, this psychologist studied how reinforcement and punishment influence behavior.

Who is B.F. Skinner?


This type of research collects data from a group of participants at a single point in time.

What is cross-sectional research?


This process involves using evidence-based practices to improve teaching and learning outcomes.

What is Applied Research?


According to this theory, learners construct their own understanding based on their experiences.

What is constructivism?


This stage in Piaget’s theory involves the development of logical thinking and understanding of conservation from ages 7 to 11.

What is the concrete operational stage?


This psychologist developed the stages of psychosocial development, including identity vs. role confusion.

Who is Erik Erikson?


This research method involves studying the same participants over a long period of time.

What is longitudinal research?


This type of research aims to solve specific classroom problems and improve instructional practices.

What is Action Research?


This theory proposes that learning happens through observation and imitation of others.

What is Social Learning Theory?


Erikson’s stage of development that involves establishing a sense of identity versus role confusion occurs during this period

What is adolescence?


This theorist is known for his work on cognitive development, including the stages from sensorimotor to formal operational.

Who is Jean Piaget?


This research method involves manipulating variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships.

What is experimental research?


This approach to educational psychology focuses on understanding individual differences in learning.

What is Differential Psychology?


This theory involves the stages of cognitive development proposed by Jean Piaget.

What is Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory?


In Erikson’s theory, this stage involves resolving issues of trust and mistrust, which occurs in infancy.

What is the trust vs. mistrust stage?


This psychologist’s theory focuses on the importance of observational learning and modeling.

Who is Albert Bandura?


This approach involves collecting qualitative data through observations, interviews, or case studies.

What is qualitative research?


This concept involves studying the relationship between psychological theories and educational practices.

What is Applied Psychology?


This theory asserts that people have multiple types of intelligence, such as linguistic and spatial.

What is Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?


This theory by Lev Vygotsky emphasizes the role of social interaction in cognitive development.

What is sociocultural theory?


This psychologist proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, including musical and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Who is Howard Gardner?


This type of research is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs or interventions.

What is evaluation research?