Movie Taglines
"Cereal" Killers
Same Names, Different Games

Someone with coulrophobia would be extremely uncomfortable at the circus.

What is the fear of clowns.


"An adventure 65 million years in the making!"

What is Jurassic Park


The Pachycephalosaurus has a very identifiable physical trait that helped fight off enemies.

What is a thick skull (with spikes).


Upon the scene there contains evidence of a presumed murder- suicide along with remnants of a well known spice.

What is Cinnamon Toast Crunch


Both are extremely popular late night talk show hosts. One gained fame while working on a long running comedy show full of skits and sketches.

Who are Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon


Someone with equinophobia would rather die than attend the Kentucky Derby.

What is the fear of horses

"You'll never go in the water again."

What is Jaws


In spite of our current depiction of what velociraptors may have looked like, it is now believed that they had this feature.

What are feathers.


Upon the crime scene there are scattered feathers and trails of chocolate dust. The suspect likely experienced a manic episode. 

What is Cocoa Puffs


Both actors reside in the same super film series and now work side-by-side. Previously, one of the actors portrayed a dimwitted comic relief in a popular sitcom.

Who are Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth.


Someone with papyrophobia would likely not work at Dunder Mifflin.

What is the fear of paper.


"You won't believe your eye."

What is Monsters Inc.


This dinosaur may have had a massive body, rows of spikes, and a large spiky tail to defend against predators, but it is known to have one of the smallest brains.

What is a stegosaurus


Upon the scene there are traces of sugar. The suspect likely suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder: one personalty is a positive and upbeat jock. The other is a violent and dangerous animal.

What is Frosted Flakes.


Both actors star in their own popular movie franchises. One became famous in the late 70's for their acting. The other is known for their angry role. Both act as heroes in their movies. 

Who are Mark Ruffalo and Mark Hamill


Someone with bathmophobia stays only on one floor.

What is the fear of stairs


"When you can live forever, what do you live for?"

What is Twilight



    How much would you like to wager?

What are the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous time periods in the Mesozoic Era


Upon the scene there empty bags once filled by the victims to smuggle sweet treats. The suspect likely killed the victims due to suspicion of burglary

What is Lucky Charms


Both actors star in their own extremely popular movie franchises. One is a young man in a magical world and the other is a dashing spy from the British Secret Service.

Who are Daniel Craig and Daniel Radcliffe


Someone with somniphobia has a lot of all nighters.

What is the fear of sleep.


"In space, no one can hear you scream"

What is Alien


The word dinosaur translates to "terrible _____."

What is lizard.


Upon the scene there are scattered remains of children and colorful crumbs. The suspect was likely triggered by frequent exclusion/bullying.

What is Trix


Both actresses starred in their own very popular television series that ran from the late 1990's to the early 2000's. Both women have been married to their famous actor husbands for around 20 years.

Who are Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sarah Jessica Parker.