Nita & Jade
So Dramatic
Rejoice With Creation
Rejoice Despite...
Worldwide Disciple Making

Meaning “bored or lacking enthusiasm,” this adjective is used by a main character to help introduce herself to the publisher at the cart.

What is jaded?

SYMPOSIUM: Experience the Joy of Disciple-Making—Improve Your Skills  - Asking Questions (James 1:19)


Both the Dramatic Bible reading an video drama deal with the restoring of this.

What is the the city of Jerusalem/pure worship?


Flowers help us spiritually by reminding us to trust in Jehovah. Flowers help us physically by producing these two substances...

What are pollen and nectar?

SYMPOSIUM: Creation Proves That Jehovah Wants Us to Rejoice

- Exquisite Flowers


1 Samuel 30:6 David was very THIS, because the men were talking of stoning him, for all the men had become very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself by Jehovah his God.

What is distressed?


To the hundred thousand, there were this many publishers in the previous service year.

What is 8.4 million?


When Jade reveals she believes in evolution, Nita uses this resource to find material to help Jade see how she can build a relationship with Jehovah.

What is the research guide?

SYMPOSIUM: Experience the Joy of Disciple-Making—Accept Jehovah’s Help

- Research Tools


The Dramatic Bible Reading is based on sections of these three Bible books.

Who are Ezra, Haggai, and Zechariah?


Brother John Ekrann’s favorite animal is the dolphin. He rejoiced to learn of the dolphins ability to play this way underwater. 

What is blow a circle of air and play with it?


2 Corinthians 12:10 So I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in times of need, in THIS and difficulties, for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am powerful.

What are persecutions?


This brother lost his sight yet pushes another brother in a wheelchair as they serve shoulder to shoulder.

Who is Brother Igbo?


Scene description: “Jade pictures a boring night of sitting in rows watching a violinist play“; we see this when Nita is trying to help jade see the benefit of this...

What is good association?

SYMPOSIUM: Help Your Bible Students to . . .

- Avoid Bad Associations


The Jews rebuilt Temple by 515 B.C.E. Nehemiah arrives to help build the walls in this year

What is 455 B.C.E

Feature Bible Drama- Part I


Light is used in the Bible to denote our understanding of truth. Cells in our eyes detect physical light and send signals to our brains. There are 3 types of cells that detect these three basic colors.

What are red, green and blue?


Paul rejoiced despite being “frequently without food, in cold and” THIS.

What is “lacking clothing?”

2 Corinthians 11:27


In Bolivia, Lydia is one of this many people whom Edith has helped in the truth. 

What is 70?


What assisted Nita to encourage Jade to begin to attend meetings?

What is bringing others on the Bible study?

SYMPOSIUM: Experience the Joy of Disciple-Making—Accept Jehovah’s Help

- Our Brothers


The Governor of Samaria during Nehemiah’s time who opposed the building work in Jerusale.

Who is Sanballat?


Spiritual food provides real joy, but we can rejoice with these 5 basic tastes.

What are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami (savory)?


We can rejoice despite any trial because of these 3 gifts.

What are 1. Our relationship with Jehovah, 2. Our brotherhood, and 3. Our hope for the future.


The Oceana branch includes Australia and ten thousand islands. This country makes up about 300 of them.

What is Fiji?


Nita assists Jade to quit smoking in a video presented during this part.

What is SYMPOSIUM: Help Your Bible Students to . . . Overcome Unclean Habits


These 2 men, one faithful, one unfaithful, were seen in the Feature Bible Drama. One, was grabbed by the beard.

Who are Peleth and Raham?


Certain sounds can damage the physical ear. Spiritually speaking, we protect our ears by this 3 step process.

What is 1. Block out harmful noise, 2. Replace the noise with a delightful sound, and 3. Pray for Jehovahs help?


In the last part of this symposium, Brother Dugbe survived a violent political coup in this African City.

What is Monrovia? 


The publisher ratio is 1/7 in this European country. 

What is Transylvani?