The Windy City
How Abbott That!
It's Fall Y'all
Pharma Fanatic
Spooky Season

The current Mayor of Chicago

Who is Lori Lightfoot?

Lightfoot graduated from the University of Michigan and received her law degree from the University of Chicago


The name for Abbvie was derived from Abbott + this Latin root

What is “vi” (life)?

“The beginning of the name connects the new company to Abbott and its heritage of pioneering science,” Richard Gonzalez, who will be CEO of the spinoff company, said in a statement. “The ‘vie' calls attention to the vital work the company will continue to advance to improve the lives of people around the world.”


This is a traditional American and Canadian activity consisting of a recreational ride in a wagon or cart pulled by a tractor, horses or a truck, which has been loaded with hay or straw for comfortable seating.

What is a Hayride

Hayrides originally began as a celebration in agricultural settings at the end of the hay season more than one century ago. Neighbors joined together to cut and gather hay and transport it to barns.


How many of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies (by revenue) are headquartered in the US?

5 of the top 10- These include Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer, Abbot Laboratories/AbbVie and Bristol Myers Squibb. 


One of the top five Halloween costumes for children in 2019.

What is Spider-Man, Avengers, Batman, Witch, or Ghost?

  • Spider-Man. 5.2%. ...
  • Avengers character (excluding Spider-Man) 3.9%. ...
  • Batman. 3.5%. ...
  • Witch. 3.3%. ...
  • Ghost. 2.8%. ...

The four stars on the Chicago flag represent these four historical events (name two)

What is Fort Dearborn, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, and the Century of Progress Exposition of 1933–34?

The flag initially had two stars, until 1933 when a third was added. The four star version has existed since 1939


This Abbvie product is currently the top selling drug for 2020

What is Humira?

2020 worldwide sales- 19.8 million so far!


The reason scientists believe fall leaves are dulling in color in recent years.

What is Global Warming?

As the world warms, leaves may delay changing their colors.  Leaves change color in part because of cues taken from dropping temperatures. As temperatures remain warmer through fall and winter nights, they could delay the beloved fall color shift; One 2013 study found that fall colors now arrive five days later than they did 23 years earlier. 


The best selling drug in history.

What is Lipitor?

Lipitor generated a staggering $94.67 billion in sales from 1992–2017. Even though this cholesterol and heart disease medication decreased in popularity after its patent expired in 2011, Lipitor still brings a nice chunk of the profit to Pfizer. The global sales stood at $2.06 billion, $1.6 billion of which, the pharmaceuticals statistics indicate, came from emerging markets.


A recent poll revealed this is America's favorite Halloween treat

What are Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?

According to a poll from Monmouth University, more than 36% of Americans say Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are their favorite Halloween treat. It's more than twice the number of people who chose Snickers (18%) as their favorite.

M&M's ranked third at 11%, while Hershey bars tied with candy corn in fourth place, capturing 6% each.


The birthplace of deep dish pizza

What is Uno's?

The birthplace of deep-dish pizza, simply known as Uno’s, opened in 1943. The story — the one repeated for decades, the one told by the corporation now called Uno Pizzeria & Grill — credits Ike Sewell for introducing this never-before-seen culinary creation to the world.

But the lesser-known version, as vetted by Samuelson in years of research, puts Ric Riccardo, Sewell's business partner, as originator. Riccardo, owner of Riccardo’s on Rush Street, lived in an apartment above a noisy bar at Wabash and Ohio. The feds shut down the bar, Riccardo took it over and, wanting to have some sort of signature item, came up with deep-dish.


In 1941, the US Government enlisted Abbott as one of five pioneers to develop a large-scale production of this new antibiotic.

What is penicillin?

Half of all pharmaceutical firms in the United States and Japan ceased their antibiotic activities in the late 1980s


The Latin root/meaning for the Month November.

What is novem/nine?

November was originally the 9th month of the Roman calendar, which began in March.


The only two countries in the world where pharmaceutical companies are allowed to create direct-to-consumer ads

What is the US? What is New Zealand? 


One of the top 5 most haunted locations in Chicago

What is the Site of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, Red Lion Pub in Lincoln Park, Lincoln Park, Graceland Cemetery, or HH Holmes' Murder Castle?

1) Site of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

On Valentine’s Day of 1929, Al Capone ordered a hit on a rival gang of bootleggers. Seven members of George “Bugs” Moran’s crew were ambushed in a garage. The killers lined their victims up against a wall and shot them in cold blood. Neighbors were eventually alerted of the tragedy by the dog of one of the men who died. The garage no longer stands, but people say the empty lot where it once stood still holds the echoes of those who died that day. Dogs who walk through the area react uneasily, whining, and straining to get away. Some think that the ghost of the faithful dog of long ago still sounds the alarm of that day.

2) Red Lion Pub in Lincoln Park

This pub was first built in 1882, and after changing owners many times through the years, it was repaired and reopened in 2014, but during the many decades of business, this humble pub has seen its share of tragedy. For example, the gangster John Dillinger was shot in the alley of the Biograph Theater, just across the street. A patron was killed there for his gambling debts, and his murderer is reported to have also died in the fight. A young woman was shot there, possibly by a jealous lover. With so many dramatic deaths, it’s not surprising that many say the pub is haunted. Visitors have seen people pass by the upstairs windows, and they hear heavy boots on the stairs and voices coming from empty rooms.

3) Lincoln Park

Today this is a wide, welcoming public park, but years ago it was not such a wholesome-appearing place. The ground was once the city’s primary cemetery, and although many of the bodies were moved around the middle of the 19th century, as many as 10,000 were left behind. When construction crews broke ground at the southern end of the park to build a parking lot, they discovered the remains of more than 80 people. Perhaps that’s why people have seen and heard things they can’t explain while playing in the park, such as shadowy movements and whispered words.

4) Graceland Cemetery

Since its first days in 1860, many notable citizens of Chicago have been buried at Graceland Cemetery, but the most remarkable grave belongs to a 6-year-old girl named Inez Clarke. In 1880, Inez was playing in the rain when she was struck by lightning and killed. Her distraught parents had a statue of the girl carved to mark her resting place, and they enclosed it in a glass box. Many people have reported that the statue disappears during lightning storms. Is she hiding from the lightning, or perhaps playing again in the rain?

5) H.H. Holmes’ Murder Castle

The site is now occupied by a post office, but it was built upon the ruins of the home of a prolific serial killer. Historians still debate about how many people died at the hands of H.H. Holmes, but he confessed to 27 murders, the police proved nine of them, and estimates of his victims run as high as 200. Holmes’ house was reportedly built to trap people and hide their bodies for disposal. He brought in different workers for the construction of his house so no one but him would know about the secret rooms, hidden passageways, and trapdoors into the basement, where many of the murders were thought to have occurred. Today, people who go down into the basement report feeling intense fear sweep over them, and they sometimes see strange figures slipping out of sight.


In 2016, it had been this many years since the Cubs won the World Series

What is 108 years?

Cubs won the world Series in 1907, 1908 and 2016.


During World War 1, this antiseptic agent created by Abbott was used to clean wounds on the battlefields.

What is Chlorazene?

Abbott produced its first synthetic medicine, Chlorazene, in 1916.


Better known as Johnny Appleseed, this American pioneer nurseryman introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as the northern counties of present-day West Virginia .

Who is John Chapman?

He became an American legend while still alive, due to his kind, generous ways, his leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance he attributed to apples.


The Federal Food and Drug Administration has approved this gene therapy for a rare childhood disorder and it is now the most expensive drug on the market. It costs $2.125 million per patient. 

What is Zolgensma? 

The company that developed Zolgensma is owned by drug giant Novartis. Based on the AveXis studies, the FDA approved Zolgensma Friday, making it only the second gene therapy ever approved for a genetic disorder. There are currently around 700 patients eligible for the treatment, according to Novartis, and roughly 30 babies are born each month with the disease.

Novartis set the price at $2.125 million but offers insurers the ability to pay $425,000 a year for five years. This price tag makes Zolgensma the most expensive drug ever approved.


Des Moines, Iowa’s pre-Halloween festivity

What is Beggar's Night?

In Des Moines, the night before Halloween is called Beggar’s Night, in which kids go door-to-door telling jokes, reciting poems or dancing in exchange for sweets.


The Chicago Bears Original name.

What are the Chicago Staleys?

The franchise that became the Bears was founded by businessman A.E. Staley in 1920 and was first known as the Decatur (Illinois) Staleys. George Halas became player-coach of the new team, which he relocated to Chicago in 1921 after Staley handed the young franchise over to him. (Halas, affectionately known as “Papa Bear,” prowled the sidelines as head coach until 1968.)


AbbVie has acquired this many companies

What are 5 companies?







Flying South from America to the relative warmth of Mexico and parts of California, these are the only insects that migrates up to 2,500 miles for nicer weather.

What is a Monarch Butterfly?


The first pharmacy in the US was located here

What is New Orleans?

Louis Joseph Dufilho, Jr., a French immigrant of New Orleans became America’s first licensed pharmacist in the early 1800s. He opened the shop that is now home to the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum in 1823.


The most commercially successful horror movie of all time (highest grossing)

What is "It"?

Here are the 25 highest-grossing horror movies ever:

  1. It (2017) ($327.5 million)
  2. The Sixth Sense (1999) ($293.5 million)
  3. Jaws (1975) ($260 million)
  4. Ghostbusters (1984) ($242.2 million)
  5. The Exorcist (1973) ($232.9 million)
  6. It: Chapter Two (2019) ($195.7 million)
  7. Get Out (2017) ($176 million)
  8. Halloween (2018) ($159.3 million)
  9. Scary Movie (2000) ($159 million)
  10. What Lies Beneath (2000) ($155.4 million)