Interview Questions
Communication and Technology
Leadership Skills
Linked In
Critical Thinking

What is one hobby you prefer to do?

I am most productive this includes either:

-Reading about autobiographies, biographies, mysteries, or books associated with my career

-Go to the gym (Planet Fitness)

-Volunteer in organizations, by donating money to Gofund me, charity water, or the Ocean Cleanup, etc.


Is technology vital in your ability to communicate well? (Give one reason why or why not?)

-Yes because...

-I text with friends and family

-I rather talk in person with people

-I do not like talking, I'm anti-social

-I call or facetime with friends or family

- Social Media apps such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat make it easy to communicate with others


Why is it important to have creative thinking skills as a leader?

-New ideas inspire change in this world

-Come up with new ideas allow for aspiring more progress in creating new ideas from team projects

-People get tired of the same structure of interacting


Name one reason students should have Linked In?

-Linked In helps establish an online presence

-Linked In can replace your resume

-You can use Linked In to apply for a job

-Lets you research prospective employers

-Helps connect you to Alumni from college


Where do you utilize your thinking skills?




-Free time


Are you able to invest your time in this company? (Give One reason)

-Yes, because...

- I am passionate about working here

- I want to provide for my family

- I am thrilled to represent what your company stands for

- I want to earn money here


Are there rules when using communication technology? (Give one rule)

-Be mindful of what you post or comment

-Do not post comments that are rude or mean on social media apps

-Be respectful

-Treat everyone the way you treat others in real life

-Treat people with dignity


Why is it important to have critical thinking as a leader?

-There are times in which problems are hard to solve

-Having a strong problem solver in the group provides the business with being able to solve these troublesome problems 

-Help prosper the company in itself.


What is one thing you include in your Linked In profile?

-A professional Picture

-Write an Intro

-Your First and Last Name


-Current Position


-Country/Region, Postal code, and Locations within this area

-Contact info


What process of thinking do you use?

- Creative thinking

-Critical thinking

-Analytical thinking


Are you a punctual person? (Do you come on time...?) (Give One reason why or why not)

-Yes, because...

-In my previous jobs, my co-workers always some me be on time

-In school, my teacher was impressed I was there early or just on time

- No, Ill be honest I have an issue with this, especially since I do not drive

- It takes me time to change

- I wake up late


What are the Netiquette rules?

-Be mindful of what you post

-Do not write text with all caps

-Take into account what sentences you write

-Do not text if you are in a bad mood or have the wrong attitude


Why is important to have communication skills as a leader?

-Not having a strong basis of communication can cause problems 

-Problems interacting as a group

-Each person applies themselves in a way they can, while the others do the rest, and they tell each other what they are going to do for this process to function


What accomplishments do you include in your Linked In profile? (Give one answer)





-Honors and Awards

-Test scores




Which areas could be difficult to be creative?


-Personal life

-In-class discussions/activities

-Problem-solving (Math)

-Finding resources (Getting help)


What is your greatest weakness?

- Communicating with other people (Sometimes, I do not say everything I think in my mind)

- Working as a team (I prefer doing the job individually)

- My punctuality (I do not get to work on time)

- I have conflicts with the Boss or any person in control

- I do not get along with my co-workers (mostly anti-social)

- I only passionate about earning money, but have no purpose or goal in mind


What is the most important Netiquette rule?

-Always remember to apologize

-Revise the messages sent

-Be kind and motivate people when texting someone

-Do not follow the same poor attitude

-End the conversation when it gets too heated


Why is it important for a leader to have decision-making skills?

-Without this proper ability to know what decision to take, it can cause instability in the company. 

-They would be faced with profit loss since they are unable to establish the correct front in either the selling of merchandise or of a service.


Why do you use Linked In in your Network?

-To be professional

-To connect with as many people as possible

-Get recommendations

-Join and contribute to relevant groups


What courses could be considered for you to have problem-solving skills?

-Math class

-Computer class

-Real-life situations

-Social science classes


What are your greatest strengths?

- Strong mindset

-My personality (Humorous, enthusiastic to learn, work, and earn money)

-My yearning for a successful life

-My ability to work as a team (Teamwork)


Name one of the literacy areas of social media...

Attention: How aware and focused a person is a Participation: how you are responding and providing information

Collaboration: The way you are working with other

Network Awareness: In what communities will you be participating.

Critical Consumption: What of these media apps is influencing your life, mentally and physically


Why is important to be ethical?

-It is important to remember that as an employer we must be able to know that it is incorrect to steal money from people and try and rip them off


-People do not want to be part of a business in which the company does not respect them 

-The company should not be conducted in a manner that does not profit the client


How do you use Linked In to find jobs?

-Search Linked In jobs

-Reach Out to Key employees

-Create your own opportunities


What did Mark Twain say about ideas?

- "There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of ideas and put them in a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations."