What is the LCM of 2&4
What is 4
What is 4
What is 2(5+6)
what is the LCM of 6 and 10
What is 30?
What is 11
Find the GCF of
What is youtube?
What are the first three multiples of 6
What is 6,12&18
What is 21
Lighthouse A sounds a foghorn every 6 hours, and Lighthouse B sounds a foghorn every 8 hours. If both lighthouses sound their foghorns at the same time, how many hours will it be until the next instance when both foghorns sound at the same time?
What is 24?
If Ms. Harris ran 10 miles and Mr. Dunlap ran 2 miles how much further did Ms. Harris run than Mr. Dunlap?
What is 8
Chandler went to Walmart every 4 days and Denyla went every 5 days. In 40 days how many times will they visit at the same time?
What is 2 days
James drove 12 miles west and them 8 miles east. Then he turned back around and drove 10 miles west. How far has James driven total?
What is 14 miles